The Aquarius New Moon: Following your unique path.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Just a few days ago, we entered Aquarius season and tomorrow is the very first New Moon of 2020. On January 24th at 1:42PM PT, the moon joins the sun at 4 degrees of Aquarius. If you have been thinking of a good day to begin something new, whether it is a new year's resolution or a powerful intention, this new moon is a great time to start. We are finally free from the eclipses, and we can breath a little bit of fresh air! 

This first new moon of 2020 coincides with the Chinese new year, and represents a fresh new chapter for many of us.

As we look forward to what the next year may bring, and the following few years, we can tap into the Aquarius energy for inspiration and insight. At the very beginning of Spring this year, Saturn will visit Aquarius for a few months and give us a glimpse of what the next few years will be all about. Saturn's shift from Capricorn to Aquarius will be major, and wherever Aquarius lives in your own chart will be powerfully activated. 

I've been especially looking forward to this Aquarius new moon because Capricorn season has felt so extra 'heavy' this year. With all the eclipses and Pluto action, there has been a lot of turbulence around the globe. Aquarius is an air sign, which allows us to float above the drama a bit and have a broader perspective. As mythology goes, the sign of Aquarius is referred to as the 'Water Bearer', which is a being that is not quite a human and not quite a god. The 'Water Bearer' was chosen to serve the gods, and is thus unique and separate from the standard 'earthlings'. 

Symbolically, the Water Bearer eternally gives life and spiritual food to the world. 

What I love most about Aquarian folks, is their ability to walk to the beat of their own drum. This Saturn ruled air sign is adept at creating its own rule book to live by. I must admit, I'm an Aquarian sun myself, so of course I'm partial to the sign! If you are wanting to work with the Aquarius energy of the new moon, spend some time considering how you can live a more authentic version of yourself. Give yourself permission to be different. And through your unique vision, how can you make the world a better place?

The New Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, and may bring some unexpected events our way. As we begin the new year, we may feel set on a particular path, but it serves us to remain flexible. If you are experiencing an unexpected curve ball or two, be open to seeing what new opportunities may also be emerging. I would also advise not to make any hasty decisions during this lunar cycle. The sign of Aquarius bodes well with logical thinking and long term planning. 

Venus is nearing a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces at this time. In Pisces, Venus is exalted and able to flow freely in her creative and loving bliss. As Venus gets nearer to Neptune, this becomes a potent drug or lovely antidote to all that ails us. Wherever Pisces lies in your chart is likely to be where your imagination is running wild at this time. As a whole, we will be drawn to ways to tap into our creativity, fantasy and pleasure. Be careful that your vivid imagination doesn't entirely consume you, and ground yourself in the clarity and logic of the Aquarian season.