Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 2021

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Venus is the planet of love, beauty and harmony. In just a few days, she stations retrograde in earthy Capricorn where she will embark on a deep and winding underworld journey. On December 19th, Venus begins this voyage while conjunct the underworld king Pluto. The retrograde journey lasts until January 29th, but Venus will steadily occupy Capricorn and the realm of Pluto up until March 5th.

What can we expect during this celestial voyage? Venus is in Saturn’s sign and is exploring the architecture of the heart. During a Venus retrograde cycle, hidden yearnings and desires can surface or be released. The planet of love may be seeking to restructure the foundations in a certain area of life, and this often includes the basis of our relationships and values.

In the archetypal hero’s journey, or passage through the underworld, it is an iconic component for the hero’s process of transformation. Entering the underworld is entering a state of darkness of some kind. We are able to see and explore what is typically not visible. With Venus exploring these shadows, we can expect to see ‘subconscious’ or hidden relationship patterns more clearly. A deep investigation takes place which allows for the necessary transformation. What is ready to be let go of will be pushed and will make space for renewal.

If you have Venus or other personal planets in Capricorn, this may be an especially eventful retrograde cycle for you. Also, if you have a cardinal rising sign (Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, Aries) this cycle will have more intensity. Pay attention to what house Capricorn rules to see what area of life this is likely most impacted. The underworld journey can be utterly destabilizing, but I can tell you from experience, it can produce intensely positive results.

As Venus stations direct on January 29th, she will be making a supportive trine to Uranus. Thus, we can expect a liberation from past constraints or a cathartic release. Something about this direct station is surprising and exhilarating. Venus will join Pluto once again, along with Mars, in early March. I see this as another final step of deep transformation in this Venus cycle — where we consciously internalize our power.

The last Venus retrograde in Capricorn occurred almost exactly eight years ago in December of 2013 (December 20th - January 30th). Take a moment to reflect on what was occurring in your life at this time, especially pertaining to your relationships. In my own chart, Capricorn rules my 7th house of partnership and marriage and is home to my natal retrograde Venus. It seems as though I am karmically an expert on Venus retrogrades in Capricorn! Thus, I will tell you a bit about my own retrograde experience 8 years ago.

In the summer of 2013, I suddenly met my ‘soul mate’ who is now my husband. The Capricorn Venus retrograde was our first Venus retrograde experience together. In general, I see this time tested the structures of our relationship and our commitment to one another. Thankfully, we passed whatever tests came our way without much trouble. It’s honestly too long ago for me to remember all the details, but I think we were still learning how to live together. I was used to having lots of space and alone time and my partner was not. During this period, I was learning to let go of past relationship trauma that kept me from getting close, but I was also recognizing the space that I needed.

Leading up to this Venus retrograde cycle, I was also visited by an ex-boyfriend who I hadn’t seen for quite some time. I remember being shocked at how skinny he was. Later, I learned he had lost so much weight due to battling cancer. He had intended to tell me about his cancer situation when we met up, but he was too scared to tell me in person. Later that spring he suddenly died from complications due to his treatment. It still breaks my heart to think of him dying at the young age of 33, and I will never not feel sad about that.

I cannot say for sure how my ex-boyfriend’s visit impacted my Venus retrograde cycle from 8 years ago. It did seem to initiate letting go of old chapters with past partners and to more fully embrace my current relationship. It was necessary to let go of past restrictions and longings to more fully show up for a relationship worth committing to. My relationship, with my now-husband, continued to grow stronger through a very turbulent time of transformation for myself. In retrospect, perhaps the most important lesson I learned is that life is short, and living fully and happily is important.

I hope this upcoming retrograde cycle offers you a time for reflection, refinement and deep positive transformation. Best wishes to you on your journey of the heart.


The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse: Tending Your Inner Flame.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

As the days grow darker in the northern hemisphere, we are reaching the last Sagittarius eclipse of a long-held series. Late this Friday, the moon will consume the sun at 12 degrees of the mighty archer. We are now at an important transition point as one karmic cycle ends and another begins. This weekend brings us the fourth and final eclipse in Sagittarius, in a cycle that began back in June 2020. The fiery sun and moon are joining the south node, awakening a major release and renewal.

With this fierce cosmic reboot, we are reminded of past karmic lessons and new territories yet to discover.

Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign and is ruled by the expansive and kingly Jupiter. Here we encounter the untamed wildness within us. The archer yearns to explore in an infinite manner, and rebels against overly restrictive boundaries. With this solar eclipse, we are reminded of the fire or the lack of fire within us. Fire, though combustible and dangerous, is what inspires and renews. Like a candle flame, if we are overly boxed in, we are snuffed out. We lose our inner passion, our direction, and the faith that propels us forward.

If you notice yourself feeling depleted at this time, take note.

Are you giving too much of yourself to something or someone who doesn't support you in return? I see this as a great time to become consciously aware of what diminishes your energy, whether it is a belief system, information source, job or relationship. With a sextile to Saturn, setting clear boundaries can be an effective strategy for protecting your vital energy. Furthermore, think about what experiences you have had since the summer of 2020. It may be time to finally follow through with releasing a limitation that keeps you from growing and expanding into your potential.

During the darkest time of the year, how will you tend to your inner flame?

Mercury is combust and debilitated, which may add to the agitation of our minds during this next lunar cycle. It is time to let go of dogmas and old belief systems which no longer serve us. Clear solutions to these issues may be hard to find, but answers will come from within with time and patience. Stay present with what is coming up at this time and don't worry too much about everything making sense right away. To know where to place your attention, look at what house Sagittarius rules in your own chart.

A Sagittarius Eclipse Tarot Spread

The cards above show a quick tarot reading I did to expand upon the Sagittarius solar eclipse. This reading is intended to generally apply to everyone. Feel free to do this reading for yourself to gain more personal insights!

1. What karmic cycle is being revisited.
ACE OF WANDS (REVERSED): A project has been left unfinished or an inspiration has been stifled. Or you may be feeling lackluster and inhibited from starting something new.

2. What change does this eclipse bring.
5 OF CUPS (REVERSED): A past disappointment is ready to be released. It may be time to put any regrets or sadness behind you so that you may focus on the future.

3. What can be released at this time.
3 OF SWORDS (REVERSED): Let go of blaming yourself for any unhappiness. This is a time to gently release the recurring negative thoughts and beliefs that bind you.

4. How to tend to your inner flame.
KING OF WANDS: Acknowledge that you have the power to make great change in your life! Be confident in your abilities and your vision. Focus on a passion that has been neglected and reignite the powerful wand you possess. Wear your crown proudly.

5. Future outlook - early winter.
3 OF CUPS (REVERSED): As we move into the darkest part of the year, it may be more difficult to connect with our friends and social groups as much as we'd like. There will be time for socializing, but perhaps with a focus on your closest and dearest friends. If you are feeling socially cut off because of inclement weather (or a new covid variant!), it will be all the more important to create fun and inspiring activities for yourself.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn, December 19th - January 29th

Just a heads up, the next Venus retrograde cycle is right around the corner! As Venus enters her underworld journey, she will be joined by the subterranean Pluto. We can be sure that this will be an important cycle centered around unearthing our values, desires and truths in our relationships. Venus is in Capricorn until March 5th, so it is an extremely long journey through the foundations of the heart.

As Venus stations direct, she will be making a trine to liberating Uranus. The end of this retrograde heart journey will be inspiring and freeing, as she is emboldened to release herself from her shackles. Of course the story doesn't end there, but I will report more later!

Sending you all well wishes and happy holidays this season.


Scorpio New Moon 2021: Finding our truth.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Tomorrow afternoon, at 2:14PM PT, the moon is reborn in the sign of the scorpion. Over the next lunar cycle, we are getting in touch with the untamed parts of ourselves and allowing the truth to set us free. If you have been feeling powerless and not in control of your life, the tides are shifting in November. The battle cry from Mars can be heard during this planet's time in Scorpio, and will embolden us to assert ourselves and take courageous action. Change is in the air, and we may be confronting an inner or outer demon (or two) as we evolve and grow into a new chapter.

There are times for patience and harmony, and there are times for initiative and confrontation. We are entering a period where a sudden call to action is necessary. The new moon in Scorpio is calling on us to speak from the heart and speak our truth. Results may be messy or a tad uncomfortable for a period, but we can only learn and grow by allowing ourselves to take a risk. By speaking our truth we are empowered.

The planets are telling us we've been playing it a little too safe for too long, and we are about to get a wake-up call.

Uranus, the planet of liberation, is directly opposite this new moon. The seeds we are planting now are of the revolutionary kind. This lunar cycle promises some surprises, so I would advise staying a bit flexible. You are now called to work outside of your comfort zone. You may have to react quickly to sudden shifts in circumstances outside of your control, but this is an opportunity for great personal growth. This new moon is a preview of what changes to expect in the next 1.5 years, as the eclipse cycles shift to the Taurus - Scorpio axis.

Saturn is squared by this lunation, highlighting that we have challenges and restrictions to overcome. Our evolution (or revolution!) will not happen overnight. When your efforts are thwarted, do you give up right away or do you pivot and come back stronger? In the Scorpio realm, it's all about strategy. If you experience any failures over the next few weeks, take those experiences and learn from them. Prioritize what is most vital for you and for your future success.

Mistakes are not failures if you learn from them.

For those curious about going more depth with their astrology this month, I have written some 'guidance' style horoscopes for each sign. You can think of this as wisdom from the stars for the month of November. Also, you will find the astrology is most intense and felt by those with ascendants in the signs of TAURUS, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS and LEO.

Reference your rising (ascendant) sign for most accuracy.

The house of karmic debts and joint resources comes into focus on this new moon. How are you dependant on others and how do you support others, and is this exchange fair and just? You are called to take action to bring balance to the debts you owe or that you are owed by others.

You have been on a winding journey of discovering a deeper authentic self since May of 2018. How do you continue this journey and more freely express yourself in your relationships? Stay true to who are and continue to communicate honestly with your partner about who you are becoming.

You may find this month throwing extra curve balls your way. Unexpected challenges can have you feeling more anxious than usual. Know that this turbulence is temporary, and you can weather the storm. If you find yourself catching a cold or feeling run down, allow yourself to take a break in order to care for yourself. Self-care is vital to avoid burnout.

Mars is supplying fervor to your joy in creating and using your talents. Are your gifts reflected and valued by the groups you align with? The new moon beckons you to find "your people" and network in order to evolve your unique gifts. Let go of alliances and groups that don't support the interests you wish to grow.

Since the spring of 2018, you have been on a journey of individuating in your career path. Sudden changes and opportunities are highlighted with your work and reputation, and this is having an effect on your home and family life. You may be juggling a lot between your work and personal life. Prioritize what is most important now to ensure future success.

Your mind is active this season, and you have lots you want to say. You may have a new teacher or authority figure presenting a perspective that is in opposition to your own. A healthy debate allows you to understand your own beliefs and to understand others better. Know there is always more to learn and be curious about from other points of view.

The new moon falls into your house of income and sets the stage for future growth. Currently, you may be dissatisfied with your finances and are now taking action to remedy this situation. Evaluate your money from a long-term perspective. What healthy money habits can you grow today to ensure success in the future? This could be a good time to ask for a raise and pay off debts.

Dear Scorpio, this new moon is bringing big feels. For several years, your relationship dynamics have been shifting and evolving and you are now in a major growth spurt. This may be a time where a relationship or partnership comes to an end or is allowed to evolve. How you respond to others is everything right now. Do you feel the need to assert yourself and your needs to a partner? Before saying your piece, try seeing the situation from their perspective and remember they are not your enemy. Be open and speak from the heart.

This lunar cycle may have you feeling frayed due to many unexpected demands or changes to your schedule. Though the pressure is on, you have what it takes to persevere. If you are feeling out of sorts, give yourself time to step back and collect yourself before carrying on. In times of crisis or instability, you learn how strong you really are.

You may be evaluating who you associate with and how much energy you put towards organizations and groups you belong to. For many years, you have been itching to focus on your own projects and to develop your own gifts. Now is the time to put your joy first and pursue developing your unique talents. As you step further out on your own, others may see you as competition. Don't waste time worrying about what others think, and stay focused on your goals.

Responsibilities at work may be weighing heavy on you this month, or perhaps a job is requiring you to relocate. Changes at home may cause further strain at work. Be honest about how much you can handle at this time. There is an opportunity to liberate yourself from a confining situation and attain more freedom. Make it known where you'd like to see yourself in your career in the next year, and what needs to happen to get there.

The Scorpio new moon is offering a revolution of the mind. You may be beginning a new area of study or traveling to a distant land. Passionate debates surround you, as you may be questioning a particular dogma or status quo. Don't get caught up in your ego at this time nor be tempted to give your power away to another. Questioning limiting beliefs from authority figures allows you to open your mind.

As always, I'm wishing you all the many blessings for this new moon.


The Collective Major Themes of 2021.

astrology, tarotSuzy OlsenComment
2021 new year reading.jpg

It is an immense task to foresee the major trends for an entire year for the world at large, but I will do my best! This reading is done with tarot in reference to the major astrological trends of the year. During the recent Great Conjunction workshop, I described the major transits for 2021 and how they show up for each rising sign. This ‘year ahead’ tarot spread further reinforces the interpretation of the astrological transits. It is truly uncanny how the cards align with the planets!

First, notice the amount of kings in this reading. We have three kings but only one in an upright position. Thematically the year shows a clash among leaders and disagreements in which direction we are headed. No surprise there! It is interesting to see, however, that we have one clear leader taking charge — the ever logical King of Swords. I’ll be getting to him in a moment though.

CARD ONE: The first card at the center, the 8 of wands, represents the major overall theme for the entire globe. The key words for this card are speed, quick action, and movement. We seem to have momentum to move away from the heavy restriction we knew all too well in 2020. As a friend told me this morning, it is as if we are being ‘sling-shotted out of a year of stagnation’. I can see how this momentum is directly applied toward the globe working to disperse various vaccines as quickly as possible to almost every single living person. A monumental task that takes continuous effort. Overall, we can expect a year that is focused on adapting quickly to overcome great challenges.

These swift fiery movements correspond to Mercury in Sagittarius — the speedy messenger. This is archetypally the ‘excited evangelist’ who is eager to spread a message across the land. News cycles will continue to churn out ‘exciting’ news each day, and the likelihood of more travel. The overall energy is like a hive of bees who are busy collecting pollen from one flower to the next. With so much buzz and activity, I would suggest committing to a meditation or mindfulness practice to stay grounded this year.

CARD TWO: The card below the center represents the south nodal axis and the eclipse cycles in Sagittarius this year. Here we look to what is karmically being released, purged, or purified. The 6 of Pentacles is a card that seeks balance between those who have abundant resources and those who are lacking. How we support those who are less fortunate reflects our values as a society, and this will be reckoned with throughout the year. Many people will be analyzing what is fair when it comes to supporting a suffering economy and those that are least advantaged. The wisdom of the 6 of Pentacles with the South node tells us the more we give the more we receive. The more we lift everyone up, the more likely we are to succeed as a whole. When we have a healthy distribution of wealth, we have stability for all. In the sign of Sagittarius, we are likely to see changes in our belief systems and ideologies. These are the karmic teachings of this card and the lessons we may grapple with throughout the year.

CARD THREE: The card above the center represents the north nodal axis and the eclipses in Gemini and Taurus. Here we look to the ‘head of the dragon’ and what is likely to be intensely focused upon throughout the year. The nine of swords reversed has a definite connection to the mind and our thought patterns. North nodal eclipses often reveal an addictive behavior, so it’s no surprise to see a more negative card here! Anxiety and fear of the future are the core meanings of this card, and these are obviously issues many of us have been dealing with since last spring.

So let me break this down. Looking at Gemini, we have likely been hungry for information in order to understand the big changes that have been occurring. Sometimes, however, the more information we consume the more anxious we feel. I believe this card is reflecting the ‘trap’ of getting caught in a negative thought pattern and searching for more information for relief. The problem is, when we seek that knowledge — it may make the anxiety worse. We may feel alone in our worries and fears, but we certainly are not! The reversed nine of swords also shows that our imagination is likely far more cruel than any reality.

In a positive view, I can see how these eclipses may help to break a cycle of anxiety and seek out stabilizing support. Further, I can see that the true wisdom lies within us and not ‘out there’. As a remediate measure, I would suggest less time spent with smart phones and lots more time in nature. Choose an old school paperbound book over an article on the internet and really feel the paper as you turn each page. Sometimes the best medicine is the simplest kind.

CARD FOUR: The card on the bottom right represents magnificent Jupiter. In December, Jupiter entered Aquarius and will be playing a supportive role to Saturn most of the year. Jupiter shows us where and how we are likely to experience expansion, blessings and uplift in our lives. The Page of Wands does in fact offer a supportive role to any other court cards, and appears to be offering aid to all the Kings in this reading. Throughout the year, we can expect the Page of Wands to offer us many exciting opportunities and positivity towards new endeavors. Jupiter will finally have the strength to manifest some new adventures and explorations. There is a learning curve with any page, however, so we can expect some youthful folly as well!

In the sign of Aquarius, Jupiter is not super adept, but it appears we will have plenty of eagerness and positivity towards establishing the ‘new paradigm’ in the era of air. The new Jupiter-Saturn cycle that began on the winter solstice foretells a new 20 year cycle of Aquarian themes and a new 200 year cycle of the air element. Jupiter being represented by this fiery page tells me there is a lot of excitement in establishing new ways of living and governing that reflect our modern times. His positivity feeds directly into the momentum the 8 of wands at the center of the spread. Added, there is a feeling of inclusivity, and Jupiter would likely say this ‘new age’ is for everyone!

CARD FIVE: The card on the top right represents the key leader for this year — Saturn. I cannot think of a better card to represent the strength of this Aquarian Saturn. For about the next two years, we will have the planet of restriction, limitations and structure in its home sign of revolutionary Aquarius. The King of Swords reinforces the intense Saturnian themes for the year. An authoritative logic rules and points leadership toward reform. We are in a two year phase that will set the tone for decades to come. Major decisions are likely to be made in how society is structured and important new laws will be put in place. All of this will be done from a highly logical point of view. In the sign of Aquarius, we look to reform traditions in order to create a better tomorrow. Some of these reforms are likely to be controversial or felt as oppressive by certain groups. As we move forward in these next years, there will be varying opinions in how much tradition to retain. I’m not convinced that the King of Swords will be making any radical moves, however, unless it is assured they will create more stability. As an Aquarian myself, I’m still hopeful for positive changes in how various governing bodies will advance issues such as global warming and serving underprivileged groups.

CARD SIX: The card on the bottom left represents radical Uranus. This freedom loving planet will first square Jupiter, then square Saturn all year long. Squares represent conflict, so we have a definite feud between the authoritative energies of logical Saturn and rebellious Uranus. As I said previously, Saturn (or the King of Swords) is the one in charge due to its super position in the sky. The reversed King of Wands appropriately represents Uranus, and reflects its slightly inferior status.

So what does this mean? We are likely to have spurts of excitement and moments of breakthrough throughout the year, but they will be tempered by Saturn. I wouldn’t be surprised if we continue to have many restrictions, due to the pandemic, in most places through much of the year. The authoritative King of Swords will be there to consistently remind us the rules. The reversed position of the Kind of Wands can also represent a delayed liberation. We are waiting, somewhat impatiently, to regain our freedom loving ways.

The tension between Uranus and Saturn all year long will create a highly dynamic year, and one that will inspire breakthroughs in science and technology. We first got a taste of this transit in the spring of 2020 when we had vast protests across the globe. Thus, we can expect the King of Wands to continue to bring the fire and fight for change and liberation. Thankfully we have the Page of Wands in the mix to keep the vibe more positive!

CARD SEVEN: The last card on the upper left corner represents how these major themes will most apply to the United States this year. Here we have the King of Pentacles in a reversed position. This King is the figure of economic dominance, but he is currently subdued by his surrounding conditions. We have entered a new era, but this king is holding onto old traditions that keep him from progressing and evolving. As a society, we will likely contend with a stagnate economy and may question our values as we move forward. To be honest, I’m happy I did not see a more foreboding card here! Though the King is upside down, we can still find vast amounts of strength. Many of the obstacles we experience this year are temporary and they can be overcome successfully. The success we find in Pentacles is teamwork and supporting one another through the ups and downs.

2021 will continue some of the themes from last year, and the work we’ve already begun. The biggest difference is we will experience more forward movement and opportunities to break free from stagnation. On a personal level, many of us will be seeking more authenticity and living a life better aligned with our values. If you are interested in a personal reading to see what might be in store for you this year, make sure to schedule something soon. Sending you many expansive blessings this new year!
