
Cancer New Moon 2020

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Shell photo by Alice B. Gardens.

Tomorrow we welcome the second lunar cycle in Cancer in a row; a rare but not unusual occurrence. At 10:32AM PT on July 20th, the moon and sun will join in the late degrees of the sign of the crab. One month ago, we experienced the summer solstice and major solar eclipse in the very early degrees of Cancer. Eclipses tend to rock our world and bring all sorts of turbulence. As we move into this next lunar cycle, we will actively be responding to the turbulence and looking to create new ways of living in order to survive or thrive in our current environment.

I’m so relieved to leave the eclipse season and the recent Mercury/Venus retrograde cycles, though we have learned so much from these experiences. We have been through a lot; I cannot emphasize this enough! At the start of this lunar cycle, we stand in a place of sober reality. Each of us have peeled away various layers of illusions, and hopefully we have a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

The new moon is receiving a direct opposition from Saturn, who has newly returned to the sign of Capricorn. We may feel more restrictions and stricter boundaries surrounding us, but we are likely to feel prepared to work with these challenges in realistic ways. All new moons are new beginnings which welcome growth, regardless of any stark realities we are facing. With our illusions stripped away, we are empowered to move forward with strength and sensitivity.

Saturn’s opposition can also be a sign we are finally ready to let go of a particular chapter of our lives. If you have been putting a lot of energy and resources into something (or someone) you no longer feel passionate about it, you may be feeling ready to finally make a shift towards a more authentic path. Pay attention to when you feel emotionally drained or depressed.

We might not readily perceive the sign of Cancer as creative, but as a ‘cardinal’ water sign she is the ultimate creator. Cancer is the sign of the fertile mother who is a constant resource of love and care. She births new life from her divine womb and promises new beginnings. With her hard shell exterior, she protects what is vital and most vulnerable.

When I picture this lunar cycle playing out over the following weeks, I see a devout mother coming up with creative solutions in tough situations. True creativity comes from having great boundaries. Creative solutions are birthed through restriction. We all entered this crazy beautiful world through great pressure and a woman in labor.

The card I pulled for this new moon is the 10 of Pentacles, and I’m reminded of the importance of family and tradition to the sign of Cancer. This tarot card represents a supportive family or family-like unit that carries long-standing traditions and a firm structure. As we move through the next few weeks, we are promised the opportunity to create new ways to connect with family and ancestors, gain support or create stable prosperity. This would be a great time to start a new family or group tradition.

Here are a few ways to further your connection with this Cancer new moon:

  • Identify a part of your life that may no longer be supporting you and perhaps feels like it’s holding you back. Feeling ‘emotionally drained’ is a key sign at this time.

  • Identify any road-blocks in your life. How can you shift away from what is not working and prioritize other opportunities? Let your creativity blossom.

  • Cancer is the sign of the nurturer. Seek opportunities to nurture or heal others, as well as yourself.

  • If you need extra support of some kind, consider reaching out to your family or family like structures.

  • The most sensitive sign of the zodiac is Cancer. If you identify with this, how can you treat your sensitivity like a strength (rather than a weakness)?

  • Allow yourself to truly feel your emotions and process them fully. This may be a period of ‘waking up’ on an emotional level.

  • Begin a new ‘family’ tradition of some kind that creates joy and connection.

Happy new moon!


astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Artwork created by Devany Amber Wolfe (Serpentfire).

Artwork created by Devany Amber Wolfe (Serpentfire).

Greetings friends,

The sun is shining and summer is finally upon us. As we leave the spring season, I am in awe of all that has happened in a short period of time. On a collective level, these past few months have been some of the most turbulent times in our lives. I knew the year 2020 was going to be an big turning point for humanity, but I couldn’t have realized how much so.

Change and transformation are still on the horizon as we enter Cancer season and the Summer Solstice. On June 20th at 11:41PM PT, a major solar eclipse will occur at 0 degrees Cancer. On the longest day of the year of maximum light, the sun is completely blotted out leaving us in darkness. This is the very last eclipse in Cancer, after a series of eclipses over the past year and a half or so. We are wrapping up a chapter in our lives, and it is going out with a bang! As we release and let go of this closing chapter, we are welcoming a great new beginning in our lives.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic many folks are now forced to close businesses, make job changes, and relocate their families. Eclipses often bring necessary change, but it can come with a dose of urgency and turbulence. For some, these changes are welcome and exciting. For others, the changes are more burdensome and challenging. A major eclipse like this will play out over the next six months, but we will likely experience some big shifts right away.

Back on January 10th, we had our last Cancer eclipse. Just two days later, we had the first known Coronavirus death. Six months later, here we are today. This upcoming eclipse is an excellent time for reflection on the past six months. What has changed for you? How have you evolved because of recent events? What is now clear for you that you must do in reaction to these changes? We have all come a long way since January!

Wherever Cancer is in your chart, there is bound to be in an influx of new energy. During this Cancer season as a whole, we may oscillate between embracing the new parts of our life and holding onto the old. Cancer is a sentimental sign, and seeks to protect and hold tightly to what it values. It is indeed important we honor our roots and our history, but we need not allow our past to define us. Cancer is also a deeply sensitive sign, and our emotional selves may feel heightened or extra vulnerable. If this is the case, be gentle with yourself and honor the self nurturing you require.

Mercury recently stationed retrograde in Cancer on June 17th..

..and will remain retrograde until July 12th. I have already been experiencing all the typical Mercury retrograde antics, including schedule mishaps, internet outages, and miscommunication galore. My advice always for any Mercury Rx is to be patient and to make sure that whatever message you are sending is solidly clear.

Being that we are in Cancer retrograde territory, we may feel a strong pull to look backward before we move forward. Cancer rules the family, and this could be an excellent time for you to research family roots or reconnect with family members you have lost touch with. Because of the powerful racial justice movement we are in now, I have been doing some deep ancestral research around race issues. I have also been practicing and studying ways to promote healing in my ancestral lines due to racial harm or trauma. It has been eye opening for me in so many ways, and I’m grateful for the opportunity.

Cancer is symbolized by the crab, and often moves in a ‘sideways’ fashion rather than direct. This cautious approach, combined with Mercury retrograde, speaks to the need of moving slowly and gradually toward big change. The eclipse may bring powerful momentum in an area of life, but it would be good to heed caution before going all in. Towards the end of this Mercury retrograde cycle, we may realize that our plans must adjust or shift. Remember to listen to your intuition — that inner voice that guides you step by step.

As with any solar eclipse, I would advise treating this time differently than a typical ‘new moon’. Here are some suggestions for how to work with the Cancer eclipse energy during this summer solstice:

  • Research your family tree or ancestral lineage.

  • Reconnect with your family and loved ones.

  • Process any turbulent or intense feelings through writing, a creative project or therapy.

  • Take a break from technology and news sources, and give yourself some time and space for quiet reflection.

  • Take a salt bath.

  • Visit a nearby body of water.

  • Nurture yourself.

Wishing you all the summer solstice blessings!

Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

(This information was originally sent in our New Moon newsletter on July 1st)

Tomorrow at 12:16PM PT, we welcome a new lunar cycle in the sign of the crab.This new moon is extra special because it is a full solar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon and earth are aligned just right at the time of the new moon. If you happen to live in certain parts of South America, you will be able to see this eclipse in action! For the rest of us, we will be feeling its affects, and seeing its results play out in our lives in various ways.

The new moon occurs in its home sign at 10 degrees of watery Cancer, with the north node nearby. Eclipses occur in pairs, and we will be experiencing the 'lunar' partial eclipse two weeks later in the earth sign of Capricorn. The effects of these eclipses will be played out over the next six months,but we will definitely be getting some hints this month for what is to come.

How might this extra potent new moon affect you? The sign of Cancer is opening new doors in our lives that lead to healing, more intimate connections, as well as anything to do with the home and family.At this time you may be making a big move, purchasing a new home, welcoming a new baby, spending more time with children, inheriting something from your family, visiting loved ones, researching your heritage, or embracing living more in tune with the lunar cycles. All these things are highly Cancerian and they offer us ways to enrich our lives in truly deep and emotional ways.

Tomorrow marks a fresh brand new beginning, especially if Cancer plays a significant role in your chart. I pulled the 'Judgment' tarot card this morning in correspondence to this time. We are experiencing an awakening to a new chapter in our lives, and we have the opportunity to better align ourselves to living better and more authentically to who we are. With a sextile to Uranus, we are able to break free from old patterns that hold us back. We are supported in our pursuit of a bit more freedom from the structures that bind us. When we live in authentic alignment with our soul and our heart, we live in harmony with the universe.

Neptune gives us a little added grace at this transition. There is a flow and an ease that is available to us, and we may feel guided by a higher purpose. This dreamy quality allows us to 'look outside the box', but we might be inundated by the 'endless possibilities'. Know that you don't have to have all the answers now. A path will be made known over time.

With any pivotal new beginnings, comes some birthing pains. Saturn, Pluto and the South node sit opposite this New Moon in the sign of Capricorn. As we pursue our new path, challenges may appear. And with these challenges, new skills must be learned. We are asked to rise to these challenges and make adjustments where needed. The quiet wisdom of divine Saturn tells me that with these new opportunities coming our way, comes much solitary work. We are growing more independent and self reliant. Our growth comes from learning to be more self sufficient. I can also see that we have opportunities to use our talents in a more competitive way, or perhaps at a higher skill set. This could be a great time to take a class or increase your professionalism somehow.

While all these new doors are opening to bring us new opportunities, we are also simultaneously experiencing major endings in our lives. The full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn will arrive on July 16th, and this marks a time of important endings. Six months ago we experienced the solar eclipse in Capricorn, which began the process of these particular endings. Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto have been orchestrating the process of releasing what is no longer serving us. The structures that have been supporting us for some time, may no longer be providing a stable base to stand upon.

Saturn and the South Node, in their innate wisdom, are showing us what we can do without. How can we live more simply in order to focus on what truly matters? How can we let go of more, in order to make room for the life we truly want to live? What may have brought us a sense of security in the past, may now feel like a heavy dead weight. Saturn is creating a new order and a new set of rules for us to live by.

If the eclipses weren't enough action for you, Mercury will be stationing retrograde on July 7th in the sign of mighty Leo. Because of its association with Mars, this may be a particularly hairy time for communication. Be careful not to act on anger or too impulsively around this time, as you may regret your actions later. Mercury will be retrograde in Leo and Cancer until August 1st. During this period, take extra effort to communicate clearly, thoughtfully and plan thoroughly.

All in all, July is jam packed with major shifts and some turbulence. There are, however, plenty of days filled with good opportunities to connect with yourself and others in meaningful and heartfelt ways. Happy new moon and eclipse!