
Capricorn New Moon 2022

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

The new moon arrives the day after the new year, ushering us into a place of deep reflection and planning for the future. At 10:33AM PT, this morning, the moon is emptied in the sign of Capricorn. Here our new moon seeds are planted alongside the underworld voyage of Venus. Located at the 12th degree of Capricorn, this new moon brings us close to the point where Venus will station direct at the end of January. This lunar cycle promises crucial development in our relationships and desires.

Each year, the Capricorn new moon gives us an opportunity to connect with our ambitions and goals. What are you steadily working towards? Capricorn is the home of earthy Saturn, and here we look to build sturdy foundations worthy of providing structure to our lives.

We are now prompted to reflect on what structures and commitments are worth keeping and which are holding us back. 

Amidst the Venus retrograde, we may be questioning our satisfaction in our love lives. Or perhaps we realize we have disconnected from our pleasure or sacrificed our desires in order to reach a certain goal. We are able to see these situations now more clearly for what they really are. Venus is offering us an opportunity to discover what has gone missing.

When we are able to reconnect with our desires, we are propelled towards reaching our goals. At the heart of this lunation, we are seeking to refresh what has grown monotonous. 

If you have felt yourself going through the motions in a certain area of life without clear direction, this lunation is a great time to check-in.

The new moon trines Uranus in Taurus, giving us the ability to flow towards positive changes and adjustments. This is constructive earth energy, which offers us real and tangible results. We are able to go within and make room for what we truly desire, whether it be big or small. Take a moment to reflect on where you feel tied down in life and how you can change that. 2022 begins with a call for feeling more freedom and truer to yourself. 

Where is the action taking place? Based on your rising sign, you can reflect on a particular area of life to set your intentions:


Your career, big life achievements, and recognition. 

Your education, knowledge, spirituality, belief systems, and foreign travel.

Your long-held trauma, endings, transformative healing, and joint assets.

Your core relationships, marriage, and committed partnerships.

Your work-life balance, daily habits + rituals, and labor.

Your place of joy, pleasure, creativity and children. 

Your place of belonging, home, ancestry and family. 

What you feed your mind, communication, neighborhood and siblings.  

Your income, assets, and values. 

Your health, body, and outward expression. 

Your place of retreat, isolation and subconscious mind. 


Your friends, alliances, and groups you associate with. 

Happy New Moon + New Year!


Capricorn Eclipse 2019: A Christmas to remember... (post from Christmas 2019)

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

When reviewing the astrology of the last days of December, I can tell you that this decade is going out with a bang! The last new moon of 2019 is a mighty solar eclipse. On Christmas day at 9:13PM PT, a new lunar cycle begins at 4 degrees Capricorn. As with any eclipse, the impact will be felt and realized over the next six months. From winter solstice of 2019 to summer solstice of 2020, this Capricorn new moon will reveal something radically new in our lives.

The new moon eclipse happens just as it is making a conjunction with expansive Jupiter. Recently, Jupiter entered the sign of ambitious Capricorn, where it will reside over the next year. This large planet is adding some extra juice to this eclipse and will highlight many of the themes for this upcoming year. Jupiter is a planet of wisdom, joy and opportunity. The eclipse can surely bring about these blessings in a major way, but it will need to be done by Saturn's rules.   

Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn, and Saturn is still making its way through the last home stretch of this steady and hardworking sign. The new moon fully ushers us into 'Capricorn season', where we most intimately connect with the wisdom of the goat and Saturn. Just as a mountain goat slowly makes its way up a steep and foreboding mountain, we may find ourselves eager for greater challenges at this time.

There is a fire burning within us -- telling us we can do more and be more, but simultaneously we must be patient and practical as we move up the steep terrain.

The South Node is still traversing the dry earth of Capricorn, as we continue to assess what can be released in our lives. This eclipse may represent a necessary sacrifice of some kind, in order for new and better opportunities to come our way. You can be proactive this time of year and take a hard look at where you can purge and further simplify.

Over the past couple months, I've had several sacrifices come up for myself, and it hasn't always felt easy. Due to health issues, I've had to give up certain foods. Goodbye red wine and chocolate! I've also had to turn down certain projects and collaborations, because I knew I didn't have the time and energy to do it all. As I've released and let go of these habits or opportunities, I've felt lighter and have been able to prioritize what is most important.

This Capricorn season, above anything else, asks us to recognize our limitations. By recognizing our limits, we become stronger and more resilient.

We can show up for our chosen commitments and responsibilities in a more powerful way, and let the rest go. Instead of just reacting and doing, we move through the world with purpose and intention. We recognize our BIG long term goals and do what is necessary to reach them. This is the wisdom of Capricorn.

To add a little more spice to this eclipse, the new moon will also aspect Uranus. The strong trine may bring about some extra surprises and unpredictability. Sometimes we need a little 'jolt' to shake up the monotony or stagnation in our lives. Uranus, however, will also be inspiring us to break free from our old habits and to live freer and more authentically somehow. Amen to that!

As for any eclipse, this is NOT an opportune time to actively manifest something or start something new. I do see this eclipse, however, as a great time to recognize your priorities and reflect on how your long term goals might be shifting. Here are some questions you might ask yourself around this holiday season:   

  • What people, projects or work are giving me energy right now? What is depleting my energy?

  • Do I have any negative habits or lifestyle choices that are keeping me from feeling productive, healthy, and happy?

  • What big ambitions do I have for this year?

  • How can I level up my commitments?

  • Where do I see myself in 10 years ..ideally?

  • How can I be better aligned with my authentic goals?

Capricorn season doesn't have to be all about work either. In a recent client consultation, I could see that she was actually needing to make more room for fun. Sometimes we must sacrifice the constant 'hustle' in order to make room for our relationships, down time and adventures.

As we approach a new decade, the astrology is speaking to starting with a firm foundation and a 'clean slate'. The end of this year is an excellent time to wrap up old projects, pay back any debts, and find closure around any unfinished business. The year 2020 is jam packed with all sorts of action and big transitions, so take a cue from Capricorn and be prepared! 

Capricorn New Moon: Getting serious about our passions.

astrologySuzy Olsen

By now, I'm sure you are feeling the power of the Capricorn season. This evening, at 6:17pm Pacific Coast time, the new moon occurs in the sign of tenacious Capricorn. Since the start of the new year, myself and many others have been creating resolutions or intentions for 2018. With the Sun in Capricorn, this is a perfect time to make concrete goals -- and even more so with the energy of the New Moon this evening. 

The sign of the goat, more than any other sign, has ambitious goals and the will to achieve them. Steady the goat goes, climbing the mountain side, one little step at a time. The beauty of Capricorn energy is, it is able to 'see' the achievements that are possible years or decades down the road. And ruled by Saturn, they are happy to work hard and put up with some discomfort in order to achieve their longer term dreams. 

With a total of five other planets in Capricorn, this New Moon is majorly fertile for setting wise intentions for our goals. Whatever intentions you've been thinking about for the New Year, this is the time to start taking serious steps towards putting them in motion. We have all the support of the cosmos to reach higher than we thought possible -- under the sign of the 'Champion'. 

One thing I've noticed over the years about my Capricorn clients or peers is that they take their hobbies and their passions seriously. If you have a passion project or a loved hobby, this may be the time to take it to the next level.Perhaps this side project could become your full time career one day. Don't be afraid to look at these long term potentials. 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself that may help you to further tap into this Capricorn New Moon:

  1. What makes me feel most confident and successful in my life?
  2. Where do I see my 'best and happiest self' in 10 years?
  3. What else can I do to plan for a financially prosperous retirement?
  4. What interesting classes or workshops could I take to further my expertise in a certain area?

As we move forward with our noble intentions, we must be aware that the universe may have other plans for us as well. Sometimes the greatest opportunities are the ones we aren't expecting. This is our destiny.

Happy New Moon!

Spirit + Home,