

astrologySuzy Olsen
Sagittarius eclipse

Eclipse season begins tomorrow with the penumbral lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is the first of three eclipses in a row, a rare occurrence, and it begins a brand new eclipse cycle that will last for 1.5 years. Though the eclipse itself is ‘weak’ it is still intense! Because we are entering a whole new cycle of eclipses, I felt called to give what wisdom I have around this subject of astrology. As we lead up to this eclipse (that occurs at 12:12PM PT tomorrow Friday, June 5th), there are key strategies to work with this particular intense energy. 


You don’t need an astrologer to tell you that this is a monumental time of change; I’m sure you already know that. What I do want to inform you of is how to work with this eclipse and safeguard yourself from its potential harmful influences. I wouldn’t call myself an eclipse expert, but I have learned some things over the years and I see a lot of misinformation out in the world. At this time, especially if you are protesting and feel vulnerable, you may find this information useful.


The lunar eclipse will culminate at the center of Sagittarius, where the Moon and South Node will co-mingle from a distance (the South Node at 29 deg.). Sagittarius, the noble archer, is the sign of mutable fire. This eclipse is triggering the wildfires of our soul. As the fires shift and burn hot, the path may be difficult to predict or control at this time. A crisis may bring change to your personal spirituality, higher understanding, faith and the pursuit of ideals. How you approach these areas of your life is likely to evolve in new ways over the next year or so. 


The South node, otherwise known as ‘Ketu’, acts as a release point in the chart. A south nodal eclipse can strip away stability in our lives, causing energetic disturbances, and delivering a karmic message. Thus, we cannot work with the lunar eclipse in the same way we would with a regular full moon. With a typical full moon we celebrate growth and abundance, but with Ketu we take an austere approach. Ketu is all about ‘spiritual growth’ and finding happiness from living a less materialistic focused lifestyle. If you’ve ever experienced that feeling of pure contentment from a deep meditation, you are tapping into this Ketu energy. 


As we approach the eclipse tomorrow, I would suggest focusing on the condition of your spiritual life and where you hope to find clarity. On a positive note, the lunar eclipse can help you to radically purify an area of your life -- thus presenting a more meaningful path for you. All of us have an opportunity to cleanse our minds and hearts of negativity and delusion. If you are wanting to tap in more directly, you should consider what house Sagittarius rules in your chart and if you have any planets there. As always, you can also reach out to me to schedule a reading for more precise and personal insights. 


I recently did an exercise, prompted by a Sagittarius friend of mine, where we wrote down a few of the most successful and happy people in our life that we knew personally. This was eye opening for me, as I realized every person on my list had a strong spiritual foundation of some kind. In our culture, we are pressured into thinking that success is only found by a narrowly defined path: getting a well paying job at a big corporation, getting married and having a couple kids. There is nothing wrong with these things, but they don't ensure any kind of real substantial happiness.

Here is a list of ways to work with the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse:

  • Your energies may be down at this time, give yourself lots of time for rest. 

  • Perform an energetic cleansing of your home and personal spaces. You can use whatever tools you prefer, such as sage or salt water. 

  • Fasting (only if this is something you are accustomed to). You can also benefit by eating simple, healthy and small meals. In other words, don’t overindulge in consuming bad foods or drinking. 

  • Take an epsom salt bath. You can do this the night before the eclipse and the day of the eclipse. 

  • Wear an activated black charcoal mask or consume safely in a drink/smoothie. 

  • Drink lots of water. The idea is to help flush out the toxins in a healthy manner.

  • Clean your home and altar(s). This is also a great time for de-cluttering and purging items in your space. 

  • Meditation. 

  • Perform a ritual for banishing, cord-cutting, or releasing of some kind (only do this if you are very experienced in the method). I recommend burning incense and lighting a candle. 

  • Finish up a project that you would like to be done with! This can be a great way to release negativity and make room for new energy. 

  • DONATE to a cause that supports and defends BIPOC against racial injustices (releasing your money to a greater cause to do noble work). Here is a list of suggested organizations: LINK

tarot spread

If you feel you need a little extra guidance, I’ve designed a little Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse tarot spread:

  1. What will help me to clear negativity from my heart and mind?

  2. What is being released or purified for myself with this eclipse?

  3. What clarity or truth is coming forward?

  4. How will my spiritual path be shifting in the future?

The New Moon in Aries + Saturn enters Aquarius

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
aries new moon

Greetings dear ones,

This has been an eventful past week, hasn't it? Each day and each hour has brought new information, and the reality of the severity of the situation gradually sets in. Most of us around the planet have been affected by the pandemic in one way or another. Plans have been canceled, jobs lost, freedoms restricted, and many lives put in jeopardy. All of this happened while leading up to one of the most beautiful times of the year: the spring equinox.

Through all the heaviness of the Capricorn transits, the planet Venus has been a savior during these difficult times. Venus entered the sign of Taurus on March 4th, where she will remain until April 4th. She is very much at home in this earth sign, and often offers us refuge with good food, cozy homes, and beautiful nature. If you are feeling fearful right now, which many of us are, you can look to Venus for comfort. Venus shows us how to nurture ourselves and others with beauty and pleasure, and no one knows how to do this better than the sign of Taurus.

The spring equinox arrived the evening of the 20th, and the next day Saturn made a major leap into a new sign -- from Capricorn to Aquarius. Since the end of 2017, Saturn has been slowly moving through the sign of Capricorn. As Saturn neared Pluto this year, we began to experience many of the foretold 'challenging' experiences. Pluto represents shadows, fears, transformations, and what is hidden deep away. Saturn creates restrictions and boundaries. The combination of these two planets, along with Jupiter and Mars, have unearthed many of the shadows we are experiencing now. I knew this year would be difficult, but I had no idea it would be like this. 

The year 2020 is a deeply transformational period, and one with plenty of growing pains. Saturn's role in this transformation is pivotal, as Saturn has great strength in both Capricorn and Aquarius. As we look to the changes Saturn will continue to bring, we have to think long term. Saturn recognizes that sacrifices must be made, along with lots of hard work, in order to arrive at any worthwhile goal. Additionally, Saturn knows that big changes take time to fully develop. 

Saturn in Aquarius is the ultimate reformer, and looks for how we make the necessary improvements in our society that benefit us all. This is my hope for the long term view of this transit. The sign of Aquarius understands that the rules need to change. The inequality that exists among humans, animals and all beings is not sustainable.

After a retrograde period, Saturn will return to Capricorn on July 2nd. Not until this December, will Saturn return to Aquarius again. Then on Winter Solstice, Saturn and Jupiter will meet in the sign of Aquarius. This is known as the 'GREAT CONJUNCTION', and it is as major as it sounds! We will officially begin a new 20 year cycle, and a new 200 year 'air cycle' as well. A new era begins. I will be following up with more information on this later. 

So what can we expect in the coming weeks, you may ask? Well, let's start with the Aries new moon, which occurs in the early morning on March 24th. This particular new moon can be an excellent re-start button, and a time where we go deep within to seek inspiration. The beginning of Aries season is a time of renewal and a time to begin new projects. 

The last part of March and the first part of April look to continue to test our strength in the pandemic situation. On March 31st, Mars joins Saturn in an exact conjunction that squares Uranus. This is likely to be a very challenging time in particular, which we will feel the days leading up to it and afterwards. This transit reflects more restrictions on our movements, likely because of a continued increase in the spread of the virus. I'm guessing this is no surprise to any of you at this point. Mars has a 'martial' attitude as it joins Saturn in creating more boundaries, which threatens the freedom seeking Uranus. 

On April 4th, we have the Jupiter - Pluto conjunction. I discussed this in my last newsletter/blog, and you can refer back to that for more details. In general, it looks like all of these heavy transits are playing out in late March and early April. The destabilization and fear is likely to be at its peak, and then we can welcome in some much desired stability. On May 11th, Saturn will station retrograde. I'm hopeful this will mean the fierce borders and regulations will lessen or subside. This looks to be a 'cooling off' period. In no way am I saying the pandemic will be over, but everything points to improvements at this time.

In the previous newsletter, I mentioned the Temperance card as a powerful message for this time. This card continues to show up in almost every reading I do for myself and others. Sometimes a card will show up like this if there is an underlying message that is trying to make itself known. In this case, the message is addressed to us all.

As I was driving back to my house this Friday, I was meditating on this card. I understand that Temperance means we should be kind to ourselves and others, and remain calm in the face of difficulty. But what else? As I was pondering this, I hear Jane Goodall speak on NPR. You can listen to her interview hereShe spoke of the imbalance in our world and the consequences that has on conservation. We cannot rely on an economy to continue to endlessly grow, when the earth's resources are finite. If allowed, large corporate greed will eventually tap our resources, and that will be the true tragedy for our planet and our species. Not to mention. the stark disparity that currently exists between those who have access to resources and those who do not.

The Temperance card showing up at this time, I believe, is reflecting our collective need to find harmony and balance with our relationship to mother earth. How do we truly live sustainably and how do we support one another? We have a long way to go, but I am hopeful that this is the way we are going. Whether we can see it yet or not, a great transformation is taking place that future generations will see fully unfold. Jane Goodall mentions how eager young people are to work on conservation.

Further, I believe the Temperance card is reflecting our collective need to attune to spirit. In any difficult period, a spiritual practice can offer us strength. In more traditional tarot artwork, the Archangel Michael is depicted. This angel's message is: be self-loving, have faith, and stay dedicated to your personal truth.  If you treat yourself and your situation as you'd want to be treated, profound transformation and great healing will occur.

Often times when I see the Temperance card, I'm reminded we are not alone. Like a guardian angel, we are supported in so many ways unseen. I want you to know, I also support you at this time.

Happy new moon! And wishing you all good health and blessings. 

Spirit + Home,

The Sagittarius New Moon + Transitions to the year 2020

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Sagittarius New Moon 2019.jpg

The moon will renew its cycle in the sign of Sagittarius on November 26th at 7:06AM PT at 4°-03. Jupiter has been traveling through this fire sign all year, where it feels perfectly at home, and is now approaching the end of its journey. On December 3rd, Jupiter will leave Sagittarius and move into earthy and serious sign of Capricorn. At the time of this Sagittarius new moon, we are called to recognize all the blessings that Jupiter has brought us this past year and will continue to bring us.

Our collective hearts have beckoned us towards adventure, spiritual knowledge, or a wise and knowledgeable teacher. This new moon, above anything else, is one last opportunity to work with a strengthened Jupiter in your life. What are you hoping to manifest in the year 2020? I would recommend using this new moon period to contemplate this past year and what goals you hope to achieve in the year 2020. The blessings we have received from Jupiter in 2019 will fortify us for all the work we do in the coming years.

We are slowly coming out of the Scorpio shadows of the last Mercury retrograde cycle. During this time we have learned much about our inner psyche and our shadow selves. Mercury, now in direct motion, will be leaving its shadow on December 7th. For anyone traveling over the holidays, this should be welcome news.. as Mercury retrogrades typically cause all sorts of travel delays. At the time of the new moon and the Thanksgiving holiday, Mercury will be making a positive trine to Neptune. This should allow conversations with family and friends to go smoothly, and you may find it easier to find a common ground with those you would normally not.

Mars recently entered the sign of Scorpio, where it is energized to overcome challenges with passion and fervor. On the 24th and 25th, Mars will be making an exact opposition to Uranus. We may be experiencing some sort of crisis or ‘fireworks’ at this time. Our will to do things ‘our way’ is especially strong. If any especially triggering situations come up, be mindful to not do anything you may regret later. On the other hand, if you feel it is time to take a stance on something, let your bravery lead the way.

At the end of 2019, I’m seeing some important transitions take place. One of the key transits is Jupiter moving into the sign of its ‘fall’ in Capricorn. Jupiter has difficulty in this position, but there are still blessings to be gained. In Capricorn, we are called to ‘do the work’ and to plan for our most long lasting achievements. In honor of reflecting on what we have learned in 2019, and a sneak peak at what we can look forward to in the new year, I have written horoscopes for each rising sign. Your rising sign typically gives you the most accurate information for the transiting planets in how they relate to your natal chart. If you do not know your rising sign, you can look it up here: rising sign calculator

ARIES -rising-

This year has blessed you with so many adventures. So much so, you should consider writing a blog or documenting your experiences somehow. As you’ve collected meaningful stories during these adventures, you have learned much about the world — and about yourself. At the time of this new moon, you may be called to a new adventure. Where does your heart beckon you to go this time?

As Jupiter has blessed your 9th house, you may have manifested a powerful teacher of some kind. This teacher has expanded your world view or opened you up to new ways of thinking. Perhaps this is an important spiritual teacher who shows you the tools to an enlightened way of being.

Over the past year or two, you may have experienced many challenges with career. The universe, in its wisdom, is clearing away what is unnecessary or not in alignment with your authentic career goals. You may also be actively trying to simplify this area of your life or wishing to focus on what you most value. Your big goals are worthy of your efforts, and they need ample time to fully develop. What new opportunities do you want to make room for? Jupiter will be entering your house of career next month, and will be helping you to build your career in new resourceful ways. On Christmas day, the Capricorn new moon will be a solar eclipse.. giving way to an unexpected professional opportunity.

A relationship dynamic may have been difficult these past few weeks, especially around your shared resources and money. Conversations will be more direct now, but be careful around heated confrontations. Try to remain open, honest and respectful at this time. Don’t allow raw emotions to derail you from the best solution.

Though there may be stress with some work situations, it is pointing you in directions that will allow you to work more autonomously. Pay attention to new opportunities to earn money; especially if they are on your terms. Consider how you can use new technologies to increase your income.

TAURUS -rising-

Over this past year, you have probably been ‘itching’ for dramatic changes in your world. Since the spring of 2018, in fact, something within you has been wanting to reach out. A more authentic version of you is gradually making itself known. How you present yourself to the world is shifting. You may have changed your physical appearance somehow, in order to be more ‘original’ or to feel more like your true self. Uranus will be transiting Taurus until the spring of 2026, and you will likely continue to shift and seek liberation for yourself. Uranus is a rebellious planet, and seeks to free us from the status quo.

Around the time of the Sagittarius new moon, Mars will oppose Uranus. As you work to free yourself and live more authentically, this may rub a partner of yours the wrong way. This partner could be a work colleague, a close friend or a romantic partner. If you don’t wish to alienate this person, be conscious and aware of their feelings. Healthy communication is key.

2019 has been a good year for investments, loans and shared resources. You may have been blessed with an inheritance of some kind or a generous partnership. This was also a good year to pay back any debts you may have accumulated in the past, which paves the way for a healthy savings account in the future. The new moon in Sagittarius may be giving you an opportunity to make a financial gain once more. Consider where you want to invest your resources at this time, especially joint resources or money received from others.

Over the past couple of years, you may be been working to release old restrictive thought patterns. Many of these thoughts or beliefs could stem from childhood or religious beliefs you once held. As you clear away these beliefs that no longer suit you, you are able to see the world in a whole new way. Jupiter will be entering the 9th house this December, and may be bringing you an important teacher. Though you will have wisdom to learn from others this coming year, remember that the greatest teacher is within yourself. If you have been wishing to develop a structured personal spiritual practice, this new year will be a perfect time to begin.

GEMINI -rising-

Jupiter has brought several blessings to you this year through your intimate relationships and partnerships. Perhaps you got married this year or met a special ‘soul mate’. This person has come to you as a great teacher. The new moon in Sagittarius asks, what blessings can you continue to receive from others? If you are currently single, perhaps use this new moon time to reflect on what you wish for in a future partner. This new moon is ripe for manifesting a wonderful relationship.

Over the past couple years, many of you have been tackling debt or dealing with challenges around an investment. You are learning many lessons about who you trust to invest with, and recognizing what financial opportunities are just too risky. In December, Jupiter moves into this area of ‘shared resources’ and could give a financial boost. Jupiter could come in the form of an inheritance or a loan. When receiving new financial opportunities this year, remember the lessons you have learned in the past. Take the wisdom you have gained to make solid decisions so that your investments will pay back for a lifetime. If you have gained a valuable partner this past year (professional or romantic), you may be looking to make an important investment together.

During this past Mercury retrograde, you may have felt extra fatigued or extra anxious. Your energy is probably coming back now, but be mindful to not ‘over do it’ with stressful work or exercise. Warning: possible burn-out ahead! The Mars-Uranus opposition may ramp up the tension in your body and mind, so give yourself as much TLC as you can. This week would be an excellent time to lose yourself in your work, if possible, as long as that task that is non stressful. Take breaks when you need them. You may also find that you are feeling extra imaginative at work, so see what creative ideas arise at this time.

CANCER -rising-

Your body and your health are a true blessing. Jupiter, this past year, has shown you many tools to better your health and well being. These tools may have come in the form of an actual healer or a daily health practice that you have implemented. Perhaps you began a daily meditation practice or started eating better this year. Take the wisdom you have learned and your body will repay you with energy and vitality.

The new moon in Sagittarius may be offering you another positive breakthrough in your health practices. Take a moment to recognize any health goals have at this time. The 6th house also rules our pets. Maybe a new pet is coming to you now after a long time of hoping for this animal to come into you life. This pet is another blessing from Jupiter.

Over the past year or two, your most important relationships have been put to the test. The partnerships that are no long aligned with who you’ve become may have fallen away. This is a natural occurrence that allows you to make room for a new relationship to enter you life. Jupiter, the gift giver, is entering your house of marriage this December. And on the day of the new moon in Sagittarius, Venus will be entering this partnership house as well. If desired, the new moon in Sagittarius is a great time manifest your ideal mate!

If you are currently happily partnered, you may be considering taking your relationship to the next level this year. Jupiter will be in Capricorn, creating a long term steady foundation to build from. This doesn’t mean relationships will always go smoothly over the next year, but there are certainly supportive forces working in your favor. During 2020, you are likely to value a partner who is steady and dependable.

During Scorpio season, you may have experienced delays or extra tedious work around your creative projects. There is new found momentum here as you begin new projects and wrap up old ones. Others may be putting pressure on you to do more than you can handle, but stay calm and stay in tune with your good health practices. You are likely to be feeling extra passionate about working on creative projects at this time. If you have children, they are likely to be keeping you extra busy at this time as well! Keep them active and occupied or they may get a bit unruly.

LEO -rising-

You are an infinite source of creativity. Over this past year, your ideas have lead to great manifestations. Jupiter has been blessing your life with abundant self expression and creativity. The new moon in Sagittarius offers another opportunity to tap into you creative stream. What are you hoping to create now and bring with you into the new year?

You are called to imagine from that creative source once again. For some, this may be welcoming a new baby into the world. For others, they may be manifesting an exciting relationship. Whatever it is, the source is you. This new moon would be an ideal time to connect with your sacral chakra — your source of pleasure. Let your passions be your guide.

Over the past couple years, your self discipline and health have been tested. You may be recognizing bad habits that you are working to eliminate. For some, this could be giving up certain foods or quitting smoking. You are in the process of building a healthier foundation. Jupiter will be boosting your health and self care practices this coming year. Venus will be entering this area, as well, on the day of the new moon. You don’t need to wait till the new year to start a new health or wellness routine. The Sagittarius new moon is a great time to begin a healthy practice that you want to keep.

Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn may allow you to become more efficient and productive with your schedule as well. You may be feeling encouraged to make time for the things that really matter, including your health and well being. Be patient with results, as Saturn ruled Capricorn takes time and determination to reach its goals. Let your body tell you what it needs most.

Your home life is looking super active over the next month or so. During Scorpio season, you may have experienced delays with a home project or issues around family. With mercury now direct and Mars in Scorpio, there is much more momentum with home and family related issues. There could be a confrontation that arises with family at this time or a stressful issue that must be dealt with in the home. Keep a clear and calm head with these issues as they come, but work steadily to arrive at solutions. Use your self care tools to manage any stress so you can enjoy the abundance of the season!

VIRGO -rising-

“Home is where the heart is.” Many of you can relate this mantra, along with the warm feelings around home and family. Jupiter has been ushering blessings into your home and family this past year. You may have recently purchased a new home or upgraded your living situation. Perhaps you moved somewhere that truly resonates with you. This has been a great year to ‘nest’ and to connect with family more deeply. At the time of the Sagittarius new moon, what else are you manifesting around home and family? This Thanksgiving and holiday season will be an especially wonderful time to spend with dear loved ones.

On a soulful level, you may be connecting with ancestral family as well. By honoring traditions and rituals from the past, their memories live on. This particular new moon would be an auspicious time to do ancestral work of any kind, whether you are healing or celebrating your lineage.

Over the past couple years, you may have been focusing heavily on finishing up old projects. In productive Virgo fashion, you are clearing space for new creativity to emerge. Part of your work has also been to create boundaries and structures around your creative process. As Jupiter and Venus move into your house of creativity, an abundance of new opportunities will be appearing. Make room for the important projects that are truly meaningful to you.

The Capricorn intensity of 2020 will continue to teach you how to create structures in your life that support your creativity. Consider how you use your time and how to prioritize. You are likely to be entering a very busy time!

For some, Jupiter may be bringing the blessing of a new baby into your life this year. This baby is a blessing indeed, but one that comes with major responsibility. Many Virgo parents will be juggling a busy schedule with a busy home life, but know that Virgo’s are the masters of scheduling! Tap into your inner wisdom to show you realistically how much you can handle, and what is truly important.

As you enter this busy season of your life, it may come with some stress. You are not alone, and at this new moon period there may be helpful assistance from a supportive partner (business or romantic). Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others in order to complete a task. A loyal partner may be of assistance to you in helping to spread a message or come up with creative solutions.

LIBRA -rising-

Over this past year, Jupiter has been fortifying you with knowledge and keeping you busy with lots of short distance travel. Perhaps you bought a new car, and you have been able to go on some exciting road trips. Within your own community, you have likely also been extra active. Some of you may have joined a neighborhood group of some kind, where you are able to interact and connect more closely with your community. As you interact with your neighbors and nearby communities, you may be spreading a message of some kind.

At the time of this Sagittarius new moon, you are given an opportunity to further connect with those around you. As you move about in the coming weeks, you can spread a bit of ‘sunshine’ wherever you go. During this holiday season you may be playing an important role in your community in bringing people together. As you tap into the manifestation power of this new moon, reflect on the positive experiences of the past year that came from travel and community. Perhaps you have extra special plans to travel somewhere this Thanksgiving. Whatever your plans are, share your heart centered wisdom and kindness with others.

These past couple years have had their dose of challenges in the area of home and family. The Capricorn transits may have brought some instability at times, but those challenges are what make you stronger. You are gaining clarity on what truly makes a home, and what provides you a sense of security and stability.

For many, you have been going through a process of de-cluttering or down-sizing. You are able to recognize what is no longer serving you in your home space. As Marie Kondo would ask, does this item ‘bring you joy?” For others, you may be cutting ties or creating boundaries with family who are not supportive or in healthy relationship to you.

Venus is now entering the fourth house, followed by Jupiter, which draws warmth and abundance to your home and family. This holiday season is happily sparked by extra kindness and generosity. You may wish to splurge a little extra on family this season — so be mindful! Also, if you have felt estranged from family members, this could be an opportune time to reach out.

As you move into the year 2020, you may be working towards a goal with your family and home. Perhaps you are hoping to purchase a new home or tackle a remodel project or two. Take time to plan ahead what you wish your goals to be around the home and your family.

Your area of finances is quite active at this time. You could be starting a new job or beginning a new career venture of some kind. In fact, you may be quitting a long time job in order to do something more aligned with your personal goals. Stay open to unexpected revenue streams, but always trust your gut if something feels too risky.

SCORPIO -rising-

Jupiter has certainly been ‘making it rain’ in your house of income and assets. This extra abundance may have afforded you to save a nice little nest egg or to be able to make some important large purchases. You have learned the power of your ability to manifest wealth and prosperity, and you have built a strong foundation for yourself. With this faith in prosperity, you are likely feeling extra generous with others. You may in fact be teaching others how to increase their prosperity as well.

The new moon in Sagittarius calls on you to recognize your money goals and what you most value. Reflect on this past year on all that you’ve learned around your ability to access wealth or to ‘feel’ prosperous. The true wisdom of Jupiter tells us that prosperity does not come from money or things, but the experiences in our life that allow us to expand and grow as divine beings.

Over the past couple of years, you may have been experiencing difficulties around school or learning. For others, the difficulty may be coming from a relationship with a sibling or neighbor. You have been learning how to create important structures or boundaries in these areas of your life. Certainly with education, it can be difficult to absorb information if there are too many distractions. With sibling relationships, you may have found it difficult to make time to see one another, or you have recognized their personal struggles.

At the time of the new moon, Venus will move into the area of siblings, short distance travel and learning. Jupiter will be soon to follow, spending an entire year in this area of your life. Over the holidays, you may have an opportunity to have a blessed reunion with a sibling or spend lovely quality time with your neighbors. If you’ve been feeling like a ‘hermit’ this past year, you may feel a need to come out of your shell and socialize!

Looking ahead at the year 2020, there is the potential for so much learning and expanding your knowledge. You may come across an important teacher, or feel the call to teach others yourself. Either way, your likely to be moving about and going on several short trips. Make time for some fun and adventure during your travels this year.


The year 2019 has brought you numerous blessings, and in fact would be called a year of ‘good luck’ for many of you! A year blessed with expansion and growth, you have learned a lot about your ability to manifest. Many of you have felt extra confidence in your appearance or your role in the world. You have likely attracted many opportunities for travel, to improve your health, and strengthen a spiritual practice.

Over the past couple years, you may have experienced difficulties with your income, livelihood or assets. Or it could be that you are on a strict budget and are working to save for a future purchase. There may be some fear of lacking of material wealth, and comparing your status to others.

At the time of the new moon, Venus will be entering your area of wealth and prosperity. Jupiter will be soon to follow, spending the entire year in this area of your life. These planets are reminding you to enjoy this season of abundance. Over the holidays you may receive a bonus or a pay raise. This is certainly a helpful transit during this time of year!

As you move forward into the new year, you would be wise to take whatever prosperity is coming your way and build a healthy savings account. This Capricorn area of your chart functions best with a well laid plan for the future. Make sure to continue to save for future as prosperity comes your way, so that you can handle any unexpected expenses that could arise.

A hidden health issue may be revealing itself at this time, or perhaps you are feeling more anxiety than usual. A self care practice as key in assisting with this issue. Make time for yourself and a soothing meditation type activity.

CAPRICORN -rising-

Your inner life is rich and expansive this season. Over the past year, Jupiter has been gracing the area of solitude, retreat, and your unconscious being. Many of you have been able to take extra time for yourself, in order to replenish your inner reserves. This may have come to you in the form of a retreat, time for meditation, or spiritual study. You may have noticed your intuitive or psychic abilities have been strengthened as a result.

This alone time may have also allowed you to finish a special project or to complete research of some kind. The new moon in Sagittarius digs deep into your psyche, and offers a path to something deep within you. Pay extra attention to what your dreams and your meditations bring forth at this time. The blessings coming to you may not be apparent to the outside world, but they are vital to your well being… and your deep connection to the non-material realm.

The past couple of years may have had its challenges around health and body image. Many of you have been working hard to improve the health of your body or your appearance. Perhaps you’ve been on a diet to lose some weight or you’ve been working hard at a strict exercise regiment. At the time of the new moon, Venus will be moving into your first house. Jupiter will be soon to follow, and will be spending a whole year in the sign of Capricorn. This will certainly feel like a breath of fresh air, and you are likely to be feeling a bit more energy and overall optimism.

Over the next few weeks, Venus will be boosting your confidence and helping you to look extra stylish this holiday season. Take advantage of this period by wearing the clothes that make you feel great, and make sure to make time to be social. You might be feeling a little less serious and able to loosen up, so enjoy the warmth of the season.

This past Mercury retrograde cycle likely brought complications with friends or a community you belong to. Now that Mercury is direct and Mars opposes Uranus, you could be standing up for an important cause. You may be inspired to communicate your ideals to the masses, and rebel against the status quo. If tensions rise, make sure to make plenty of time for self care.

AQUARIUS -rising-

Your friends and community have opened the doors of opportunity this past year. Jupiter has been blessing this area of your life, and has likely introduced you to many new friends and like minded folks. By expanding your social network, your life has grown immensely.

The new moon in Sagittarius gives one last major push this year to connect you with your community in a meaningful way. Reflect on the blessings you’ve received from friends and colleagues, and contemplate your future goals. Over the holiday season, you may be quite active in socializing with others at various gatherings. You may also be quite active in connecting with others on the internet and social platforms. Perhaps you have an event or a message you are promoting.

Over the past couple of years, you have been dealing with your fair share of inner demons and acknowledgement of your inner workings. As Saturn and the south node have traversed your 12th house, you have likely become aware of negative habits or thought patterns that hold you back. Psychological issues that may have been hidden are given a method to be ‘released’. Many of you are learning how to deal with your past trauma or an ongoing depression.

At the time of this new moon, Venus will enter the area of your psychological depths. Jupiter will be entering the 12th as well, where it will spend a full year transiting the sign of Capricorn. Through self care or a healer of some kind, you will be receiving abundant blessings. The holiday season would be an optimal time to treat yourself to a personal retreat of some kind. You will likely be craving to ‘get away from it all’!

During 2020, you are likely to attract much healing and undergo an inner personal transformation. This personal work won’t always be easy, but it will pay off greatly in the long term.

This past Mercury retrograde cycle likely caused some stress at work. At this time, you are working hard at your career, but you could be feeling fed up around a particular issue. Use your inner wisdom to decide whether it is time to take a stand around a particular issue at work, or to to wait and see how the currents shift.

PISCES -rising-

Your career has flourished this past year, and others have likely noticed your achievements. Jupiter has been blessing this area of your life for the past year, and has likely expanded your professional sphere. The new moon in Sagittarius is an opportune time to reflect on your professional achievements, and to ponder what goals you still wish to achieve in your work in the world. If you’ve been wanting a promotion, the next couple weeks would be an auspicious time to actively pursuit this.

Over the past couple of years, your relationship to friends or groups have been tested. The friendships that are no longer in line with who you have become, have likely fallen away. As Saturn and the south node transit this area of your life, you have learned who you can depend on. You are now acknowledging what qualities are truly valuable and essential in a friendship.

As you’ve grown in the recent years, you may have found that your beliefs and values are no longer aligned with certain friends or groups you’ve belonged to. At the time of the new moon in Sagittarius, you may meet a new friend or group who you really resonate with. Jupiter will be entering the area of friendship and community in early December, where it will be for most of 2020. You are likely to have plenty of opportunities to meet new people and friends this year. Be conscious and aware that your values are reflected in these new relationships.

During this past Mercury retrograde period, some of you experienced frustrations or delays around long distance travel or school work. As Mercury moves out of its shadow and Mars is strengthened in Scorpio, you may have momentum in this area of your life once again. With the opposition to Uranus, however, the frustrations and stress may peak. Keep focused on your goals for learning and travel, and you will find success! You may receive positive feedback from a teacher.

Virgo Full Super Moon: Blessed by the Sacred Goddess

astrologySuzy Olsen

Pisces season starts with a bang with the assistance of the powerful earth goddess: a super full moon in the sign of Virgo. Upon the sun entering the sign of Pisces on February 19th, we have the full moon in Virgo at zero degrees at 7:54AM PT. Virgo is the sign of the dutiful perfectionist and the sacred servant.She inspires within all of us to find sacred purpose in our work, our mission and our calling. The recent Aquarius new moon brought some exciting opportunities or ideas, and now we can begin to see the results in the earthly realm. 

This full moon is especially wonderful because it will be closest to the earth and will be conjunct the magnificent fixed star Regulus.  Regulus, living at zero degrees Virgo, indicates valiant courage and supreme success.  Because it is the moon joining this star, women will be feeling especially successful, ambitious and independent. Wherever zero degrees Virgo occurs in your own personal chart will indicate where honor, wealth and feminine wisdom exists for you. To use this full moon to the best of its capacity, however, our intentions must be pure. With Virgo, success only comes when our desires are of a high vibration and are for the good of all. 

Mars and Uranus make a trine to this full moon, ushering in even more bravado. These two planets may be motivating us or inspiring us to go further than we thought possible. At this time there may be unexpected breakthroughs and moments of genius. Harness this upbeat energy to further communicate an important message or to finally complete a large project.

Enjoy this glorious full moon energy while it lasts, as the tone will be changing a bit in the coming weeks.  As we move into March, our momentum may be slowed by Mercury stationing retrograde in the sign of the fish. Mercury will station on March 5th, and will be in Pisces for a total of two months. For some, this may mean plenty of confusion in communication or travel plans. All in all, however, I'm excited for the opportunity to go deeper with this Piscean energy. This is the perfect time to deepen a spiritual practice and get in touch with our intimate selves. Perhaps we may reach a new height in spiritual understanding, deepen our meditation practice or begin a new area of study in the realm of the occult. This time may also be packed with dreamy creativity, but we must harness our strength in our dedication to bring our Neptunian visions into reality. 

In Pisces, our options are limitless and our dreams are boundless. 

New Moon in Sagittarius: Dare to dream big.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Artwork by Renee Staeck

Artwork by Renee Staeck

Tomorrow, the moon joins the sun at 11:20pm PT in the exact center of fiery Sagittarius. What I find most interesting about this new lunar phase is we are learning about how Jupiter in Sagittarius will be influencing our lives over the coming year. As I stated in the previous newsletter, Jupiter entered its home sign of the mighty 'archer' last month. Jupiter in Sagittarius is an exciting transit for working with manifestation, as Jupiter will be more optimal for granting us gifts and blessings this year. 

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. The mighty archer gives us a feeling of inspiration and will power to go after our dreams. We discover what it is that we desire and we take aim. We may not always hit the mark, so we adjust and take aim again. This mutable energy lends itself towards having a 'flexible' attitude. We may need to adapt to our ever changing conditions and surroundings as we travel over the next few months.

Mercury has been retrograde for the past few weeks. On the very same day as the new moon, Mercury stations direct at 27 degrees Scorpio. Whew! This is probably a welcome shift for many. If you have been frustrated by travel delays, technical glitches or communication mishaps, you should soon be feeling some relief. The actual day of the new moon may be tricky as Mercury stations, but we will experience smoother sailing in the next few days.

Since the beginning of the month, Mars has been squaring the sun. I sense that many people have been pushing themselves hard this past week in order to complete a task, deadline or goal of some kind. With this extra 'push', we may be feeling extra irritated. There is a tension building as we approach the new moon. We are probably feeling extra motivated (or pressured by others) to keep up this strenuous pace, but this does not look to be a sustainable method. 

On the day of the new moon, Mars conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. The watery and calming nature of Neptune dissolves the fiery flames of Mars. The tension that has been building is released somehow. At this time we may be feeling more low energy or perhaps even become sick. On a more upbeat note, we may be shown the larger perspective about a situation and feel more empathy. The day of the new moon would be an excellent time to take a break. Allow yourself to slow down enough to catch your breath. 

Many of us battle regular anxiety. Something about this new lunar phase is highlighting how we deal or cope with our anxiety. I'm sensing that whatever anxious feelings come up at this time are acting as an opportunity for discovering our actual selves. This can be a moment for real spiritual growth. Neptune in Pisces activates us towards returning to self care practices or learning new calming techniques. If you have a meditation practice or are interested in meditation, this would be an excellent day to deepen your connection with this practice. Take a moment to breath and reconnect with the self. 

Despite whatever challenges we currently face, Jupiter is connected with this new moon and offering some of its potent magic. What we put forward now will produce impactful and joyous results six months from now at the time of the full moon in Sagittarius. But these gifts won't simply be given to us, we must put in the work. At this time and through the rest of December, we are called to reflect on what we hope to manifest in 2019.

Here are some questions we can ask ourselves to help initiate our goals and dreams: 

  • What projects am I finishing up in 2018?

  • What goals did I reach in 2018? 

  • What is no longer a goal or important to me?

  • What am I still working towards? 

  • What will make me feel more prosperous or abundant?

  • What do I want more of in 2019?

  • What is something brand new I'd like to manifest in 2019?

  • Is there one word that reflects my intention for the new year?

As we approach the winter solstice, we are wrapping up a lot at the end of 2018. This is the darkest part of the year, and much like the energy of a new moon.We are called to go within and dream. This is often one of the busiest times of year, so schedule some down time if you can. Our intuition works best when we give ourselves a little bit of peace and quiet. 

Blessings to you on this new moon and the new year! 

New Moon in Libra: A Beacon of Hope

astrologySuzy Olsen
Artwork by: Cosmik Dust

Artwork by: Cosmik Dust

Yesterday evening, at 8:47 PT, the moon joined the sun in the sign of the scales. We are now at the heart of Libra, and experiencing the beauty of autumn and harvest season. Libra is all about our relationships, beauty, harmony and balance. We may assume this new moon is about how we bring 'balance' into our lives, but I see a much more nuanced message here. 

The moon is in difficult aspect to Pluto, making a square to this slow moving planet in Capricorn. This tells me we are experiencing the beginning of some BIG changes in our society, but these changes will take time and effort to reach fruition. It can take more than 12 years for Pluto to transit one sign, and thus we may not see the huge results for another decade. Still... our small efforts put forward now will be mirrored by the collective, and positive societal shifts are eventually possible. At this moment we are able to see with more clarity where imbalance and unfairness still exists in our communities, our governments, and the structures that have beenlong standing. With this clarity, comes some distress, but also hope that change is possible. The scales of Libra yearn for justice. 

Our biggest challenge is perhaps being able to face these current challenges with continued optimism and with hope. We do have some assistance from another air sign Aquarius. The new moon is in positive aspect to Mars in Aquarius. We are motivated to put our thoughts and actions out into the world, and in an authentic and powerful way. 

Libra is ruled by Venus, so we have much more to add to this story. On October 5th, Venus stationed retrograde in the sign of Scorpio. She is traveling in the shadows now, and this may feel a bit uncomfortable. This Venus transit will last till November 16th. During this time, we may be struggling with some internalized emotions. Feelings of jealousy, obsession, power struggles or betrayal may be coming up for us now. We may even have a secret that becomes all consuming. 

During this Venus retrograde time, it is helpful to make this energy constructive somehow. What truths are our emotions telling us? Bottling up these feelings would be harmful, but being overly reactive would not be helpful either. Think of ways to process any difficult emotions in a constructive manner, whether through journaling, therapy or your art. This has the potential for a powerfully creative time. 

Venus in Scorpio, in an empowering sense, makes me think of the High Priestess in tarot. The wise female sage of the tarot. This energy is inward but powerful. Dark and mysterious. The High Priestess exerts her feminine power only when necessary, and her words and actions are thoroughly planned. She is willing to peer into the darkness and face her fears, knowing this is the only way to positive transformation. As we approach Halloween, Venus seems to be going full witch!

In an aesthetic sense, because Venus rules beauty and design, we may find ourselves drawn to darker colors. We may find beauty in what is normally scary or unnerving. I like to think Venus in Scorpio is the perfect time to connect with our inner 'Goth'. It's time to plan an extra extravagant costume and go deep with this Scorpio mood. 

Here is a mantra to welcome this new moon in Libra and for manifestation. If these words resonate with you, you are welcome to use them in your own ritual:

I welcome beauty, harmony and love into my life. 
I am a loyal friend and I cherish my friendships.
I welcome exciting new opportunities and adventures. 
I feel love deeply and I express my love authentically.
I can overcome any challenges with ease and wisdom.
I do not need to strive for perfection and I embrace all sides of myself.

Pisces Full Moon: Letting faith be our guide.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Image source unknown.

Image source unknown.

Early Sunday morning, at 4:46AM (PT), the moon will reach her peak fullness in the sign of the wise fish. This watery full moon is an especially welcome energy right now, as we have had a rather difficult August. Several planets have been retrograde this summer, including Mars, causing many challenges and fiery circumstances.

If you have been suffering from insecurities and frustrations more than usual, you are not alone. When Mars is retrograde, the dark side of Mars energy gets amplified. We may be feeling more of the 'heat' and extra challenges when interacting with others. Retrograde periods teach us we can no longer live our lives per usual. Alterations must be made and mind sets shifted. Through our difficulties, however, we learn a more meaningful path to a greater joy. 

The full moon occurs at 3 degrees Pisces, exactly conjunct the noble fixed star 'Fomalhaut'. This magical fixed star lives in the eye of the fish itself, and foretells a story of magic and spirituality. At this time we can access a stronger source of faith, through the extra sensitive lens of Pisces. We may be feeling more optimistic than usual, or perhaps we are able to find extra strength in our spirituality. Fomalhaut reminds me of the tarot card the Knight of Cups. He is a dreamer with lofty ideas. He can be a bit spaced out at times and disconnected from reality, but sometimes a full moon needs to take us to greater heights. Imaginary heights or real ones. 

We can breath a little easier, as this is the first moon in some time that is not eclipsed. In fact, this moon has no negative aspects whatsoever. The moon sextiles both Saturn and Uranus within a grand earth trine. This is both a grounding and innovative energy. We can think creatively and expect long term positive results. There is a renewed faith that all things will work out. May we take this energy into next week, as Mars turns direct on the 27th. We may still have some bumps in the road, but we can see the path clearing ahead. 

This would be an excellent time to access your creativity, especially in music and writing. I would also suggest taking an epsom salt bath or visiting the ocean or other body of water if you are able. Pisces teaches us to trust our creative process, our intuition and to simply let go. This is not a time for ego or monetary rewards; we can set our intentions on a higher vibration. Be like water and flow towards where your heart takes you. This weekend, do something to feed your soul. 

The following horoscopes are based on the wisdom of this Pisces full moon. First read your ascendant sign, and follow with your sun and/or moon sign. 


ARIES:  Find space and time for relaxation and solitude on this full moon. Treat yourself with the utmost kindness, and give yourself a special gift. You are learning what you need in order to stay inspired and keep from feeling depleted. Great inner wisdom is accessed through meditation and dream-work.

TAURUS: You are finding confidence and clarity within the role within your community or friendships. Long term hopes and dreams may feel more accessible now, as you move forward with more defined goals. Have faith in your leadership and decision making. 

GEMINI: You may find great support in your professional relationships. There could be a partnership giving you renewed faith in your career path. You are learning to align yourself with other like minded souls who want to see you succeed. Look for ways to be creative with others and for collaborative opportunities.

CANCER: You may be experiencing a renewed vigor in your higher purpose. Remain focused on those lofty dreams, but meanwhile grounded in your present reality. You are learning how to remain inspired, through the ups and the downs. Keep learning and honing your craft, as you prepare for your next big adventure. 

LEO: How you invest, share, or simply view your finances may be adjusting at this time. There could be a new source for additional wealth through a creative endeavor. You are learning to have a fresh new perspective on how you use your money. Missed opportunities or past mistakes will lead to new and better options. 

VIRGO: Your close relationships or partnerships may be improving. Rather than avoiding conflicts, you are learning how to have more open and honest communication. You are feeling a need to create more balance and equality in your relationships. Approach others with kindness and ask for what you need from them. 

LIBRA: You are learning ways to heighten your joy in daily ritual. Perhaps you are trying a new schedule or incorporating a new routine into your day. Look for ways to get more out of your morning or evening time. Your health and happiness will repay you. 

SCORPIO: You may have been experiencing some conflict within your romantic relationships or within your creative expression this past month. The full moon is showing your ability to release the tension you have been feeling. This stress has been limiting your creative potential, and the connection you truly wish to have with others. Moving forward you can unlock your passions to new heights, as you are especially 'fertile' over the next couple months. 

SAGITTARIUS: The full moon is bringing your attention to your home and family. Over the past couple weeks, you may have felt some tension within your household. Perhaps you are undergoing a stressful home remodel or perhaps you have felt unhappy with the actions of a family member. You are learning how to release this stressful dynamic somehow and create sacred sanctuary within your household again. Look for ways to create peace, harmony and beauty in your home environment. 

CAPRICORN: As the moon approaches fullness, you may be drawn to creative writing or using your voice in a unique way. Let the mystery of the moon inspire you to express yourself creatively. Your intuition will be your guide as you access deeper ways to communicate your feelings. Learn to trust your curiosity at this time.

AQUARIUS: There have been some hard lessons recently in your sense of self worth and your feelings of abundance. As with anything in life, you are experiencing the ups and downs in this area. You are learning to love yourself, no matter the circumstances. Any set backs you are experiencing now are temporary or simply not properly aligned with your authentic self. Let the Pisces full moon renew your faith in yourself -- that you are valuable and prosperous now and always.

PISCES: Dear Pisces, this moon speaks to you most personally of all. You may be experiencing a radical shift in how you see yourself, and how you wish to present yourself to the world. You are learning how to let go of what no longer aligns with your identity. Perhaps you feel inspired to 'reinvent' yourself somehow in order to live a more authentic life. Let the magic of this Pisces moon speak to you at your deepest core. 



GEMINI NEW MOON: The Twin Flames Tell a Story

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Artwork by Trungles.

Artwork by Trungles.

Tomorrow, at 12:43pm, we welcome the Gemini New Moon. This relatively quiet moon, in the sign of the twins, has a story to tell us. Gemini is ever curious and yearning to learn more, do more and be entertained along the way. When this mercurial energy is overly stifled or contained, we feel anxious and bored with life. The flame within us begins to lose it's vibrancy, or it engulfs us in its yearning. 

The sign of Gemini is known for having its two extreme sides. There is duality here, like two sides of a coin or Yin Yang. Highly mercurial in nature, Gemini energy quickly goes from over-thinking and heavy moodiness to bright, cheerful and life of the party!  This New Moon may have each of us examiningwhere we feel these mood swings in our life, and perhaps where we are looking to shed our 'shadow' selves in order brighten our inner flame. 

Gemini's ruler is Mercury, which recently entered the sign of Cancer. The'storyteller' is perhaps my favorite archetype for the sign of Gemini. Through the lens of Cancer, the story we are now telling is one of nurturing, kindness and healing. We can each communicate with a little more clarity and ask for support where it is needed. 

Whatever is making us feel anxious now can be used to fuel this new lunar cycle in an inspiring and uplifting way. It much depends on the story we are telling ourselves and others along the way. As we embrace our 'brighter' and 'lighter' selves, we open ourselves up to being curious and our creativity flows. Let this Gemini moon be a catalyst to inspire you to learn something new or tell your personal story in a new way. 

Here are some short intuitive/horoscope readings for the New Moon in Gemini. For most accurate readings, start by reading your ascendant sign, then you can follow with your Sun and Moon for further information. If you are unsure of your ascendant sign, you can contact me for assistance.

You may be feeling extra sensitive at this time, and confused on what path to take. It is important that you allow these feeling to be processed. Writing and journaling  would be an excellent activity over the next few days. Don't hesitate to reach out to your loved ones to talk about any heavy emotions that may be coming up for you. 

Your work may be feeling less fulfilling these days, or perhaps you don't feel recognized for efforts. It may be time for a change! What could give you more of a sense of purpose? You may be setting your sights on learning some new skills.

Big things are on the horizon for you dear Gemini. What you are starting now will have a big effect on the upcoming year. The first changes start from within. You may need to adjust your outlook on the future somehow. What is burning within you?

Your powers of intuition are strong with this new moon. Pay attention to all the psychic downloads you are receiving.  This information should be offering you much clarity on a particular situation. Give yourself plenty of alone time, as you seem to be yearning for that especially right now. Follow your bliss.

You are standing strong like the lion you are. Whatever challenges are coming up for you now, you have what it takes to endure with grace. You may be reassessing some longer term goals at this time. Reconnect with your long term goals and focus on the bigger picture. Have patience and know that good things come with time. 

You may be starting a new job or making a career shift. You will feel acknowledged for your talents somehow. Look at ways you can bring a little more fun into your career and focus on your creative strengths.

This is a very interesting New Moon for you, as your belief systems are changing. Through your own personal spiritual evolution, you are able to see the world differently than previously. You may be questioning the status quo, old ways of living, or those in authority. 

There may be disturbances within your family or joint resources that require your attention. You are being asked to reconnect with family and to lead the way to a more prosperous future. You can use your excellent intuition about finances in order to invest wisely. This is a time for renewal and regeneration for you and your loved ones. 

You may be releasing a toxic relationship or partnership from your life at this time. You will feel the weight lift and feel a renewed sense of harmony in your life. Embrace those relationships in your life that lift you up. 

There is a greater focus on your daily routines at this time, including your health and your work. Your goals appear very results oriented and strict in nature. Be careful of becoming overly self critical or rigid in your pursuits. Allow yourself to make mistakes and see the humor in life. No one is perfect. Make some room for spontaneous indulgence or fun, and this will keep your spirits high. 

Hold tight dear Aquarius. There may be some delays on creative projects or fun pursuits at this time. Know that what you are envisioning now, will come to be with time. Take advantage of whatever down time is available now. Hold onto your inner vision but allow yourself to relax. Next month is going to be full speed ahead!

You are experiencing a new found stability at home and with family. Summer looks to be a time of joy for you and your family. If you have been thinking of upgrading your home with a major remodel or a new house, this is an excellent time to start. Take the lead and pursuit the vision for your ideal home. 

Aries New Moon: Unleashing our inner Rebel

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

This evening at 6:57 PT, we welcome the New Moon in Aries. We have reason to feel celebratory about welcoming this new chapter. Over the past 4-6 weeks we have experienced several ups and downs with several challenges in our path. We have worked extremely hard to keep up with the pace. And if you kept up with the fast pace, all the while keeping your health and well being in check, you deserve a little celebration!

Mercury has been retrograde for several weeks and turns direct today, the very day of the New Moon. During these retrograde periods we often re-visit old lessons and experience old challenges in new ways. Mercury retrograde gets a bad reputation, but there is a purpose behind this planet of communication. During retrograde periods we get another chance to get things right and improve ourselves in deeply healing ways. Mercury is actually retrograde in my natal chart, so I tend to think that I have a kind of respect for these necessary periods of retraction. 

Directly after my return from a vacation in Thailand this early March, Mercury began its retrograde cycle. It was a tad difficult coming back to 'real life'with multiple demanding deadlines, and all the while combating jet lag and missing the glorious sunshine. What I've learned over the past few weeks is I don't have to come back to my 'old self'. I need to continue to develop ways of working and living my life that are healthier and more productive. I've tapped into some practices that are allowing me to be more in flow with myself and with my work. This is Mercury providing its medicine. 

The New Moon in Aries marks our true beginning to the Astrological new year, and it sits conjunct Uranus. What does that tell us? What we are beginning now feels fresh, creative and very alive! Uranus is a peculiar planet and does not like to adhere by the rules, which further stokes the fires of rebellious Aries. We may feel a burning fire within us, calling on us to move outside of our usual boundaries. Perhaps outside of the boundaries that society and good manners dictates. One of my favorite archetypes for Aries is in fact 'The Rebel'. 

Saturn, Mars and Pluto are all residing in steady Capricorn, and thus squaring this New Moon energy. This conflict in energies shows that in order to break free and express ourselves authentically, we will perhaps need to upset the status quo.  Most likely there will be an ongoing process in dismantling old ways and behaviors. There is a new and more authentic you working its way through to be made free. 

On this New Moon day, take a moment to reflect on the lessons over the past Mercury Retrograde cycle. See what new tools can serve you in moving forward in this new lunar cycle. And if it serves you, don't be afraid to embrace your inner rebel as you look towards achieving your newest goals. Let the Aries fire inspire you! 




astrologySuzy OlsenComment


Late this Tuesday evening, west coast time, the New Moon will arrive in the sign of the earthly goddess -- Virgo. The themes that come to mind for manifestation during this fertile time include our health, our ability to work without distraction, conquering our to do lists, taking care of our own well being, and being of service to others. Virgo is a 'responsible' sign, and thrives on organization and a sense of accomplishment in our daily lives. This New Moon is highlighting our ability to thrive in our daily mundane activities, and how to be more conscious in our daily rituals.

For anyone who is self employed, it certainly helps to strengthen one's Virgo qualities. If you can't be responsible for your own daily work, who will? But in order to be most effective in our work, Virgo tells us we must find balance between work and play. After a full day of work, we need time to put up our feet and to spend time with our loved ones. There is a balance that must be achieved in order to stay happy, healthy and sane in our daily lives. 

We are still coming off of the intense energies of the Eclipses in August. This New Moon is a continuation of those themes and goals we set last month. We are taking the next practical steps towards achieving our goals and our destiny. Though we are being reminded of all the work that is still ahead of us, she is telling us to also celebrate all the small victories. As you create your 'to do lists' at this time, congratulate yourself for every little task you check off. The Universe is supporting you right now as you take care of business!

The New Moon occurs at 27 degrees Virgo and is square Saturn and opposing Chiron. These are no small matters. Saturn will be presenting an obstacle or two in our paths. A challenge that we can overcome and learn from. Chiron will be highlighting where we still need healing in our lives. Pay attention to what comes up for you emotionally, and shine a light there. This is not a time to ignore difficulties. We are called to face them and work through them with love and compassion.  

We may experience moments of anxiety and nervous tension. Remember to take care of yourself during this time. Virgo rules our health, and if we allow stress to take over -- we may find ourselves stuck in bed with a nasty cold!

Overall, this is an excellent time to clean house and get organized. Venus will be joining the Virgo party, showing us that there is natural beauty all around us. De-clutter your home and workspace and spend some time outdoors to connect with nature. The earth goddess beckons us to get grounded in our bodies and the spaces we occupy. 

Read your New Moon horoscope below to find out how this moon phase affects you more personally. These short readings are based on astrological transits and intuitive readings, and they apply to your rising (or ascendant), sun and moon signs.


  • ARIES:  How do you envision your ideal day? Make a plan for how you organize your day, including work, down time and fun activities. You are being challenged to find enjoyment in the work that you do, and having a clear plan of how to make that happen is the key to success. 


  • TAURUS:  Dear Taurus, you look to be starting a new creative project of some kind. This is something to be really excited about! Expect doors to open and fresh new beginnings. You are also especially fertile at this time, so this makes an excellent time for conceiving if this is a goal for you. 


  • GEMINI:  Are you moving to a new city or into a new home? There is lots of movement and new beginnings around family and home for you right now. You may also be going on a trip to visit relatives or beloved ancestors. 


  • CANCER:  This is an excellent time to work on effective communication with coworkers or those in your community. Think about what your role is, and how you can be most effective with your talents. You may be looking take a special course or two. Research and be clear about what you want before you commit to this new area of study.


  • LEO:  There looks to be an opportunity to earn some extra income. You are being called to act quickly, as this opportunity may not stick around. It's time to get serious about your powers of manifestation. 


  • VIRGO:  Dear Virgo, the stars are speaking to you! This is your time to shine by using your talents in being of service to others. Step up your game and realize your greatest potential. 


  • LIBRA:  You are preparing for your next big move. Until then, find joy and grace with where you are currently. You are being called to go within. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition at this time. They will be giving you hints for what is to come. 


  • SCORPIO:  Have you been distracted lately from pursuing your dreams? I see this New Moon as a reminder to be brave and remain focused on your pursuits. As you conquer your obstacles, you may be disrupting the collective somehow. But you keep doing you! 


  • SAGITTARIUS:  The doors keep opening for you when it comes to career and your place in the world. People are noticing you, dear Sagittarius. You are able to hold a certain grace and confidence now, and people want to listen to what you have to say. 


  • CAPRICORN:  Your faith is somehow being challenged now. You may be questioning your spiritual foundation or that of others. Or it could be that you are facing challenges with foreign affairs of some kind. Go within and set your personal priorities. Find faith in yourself.


  • AQUARIUS:  Dear Aquarius, what parts of your life are you saying goodbye to? Before a fresh new chapter can emerge, you must first clear up some emotional matters. This is a deeply transformational time for you. Give yourself the nurturing and healing you need. 


  • PISCES:  Have you been disappointed in your partner lately? Whether it's your romantic or business partner, I see a change of course. Let go of previous expectations and see how you can be most effective working a bit more on your own. Think about what your personal goals are, and how you can get yourself there.