
Leo New Moon: Courageous New Beginnings...

astrologySuzy OlsenComment
Leo New Moon

Tomorrow morning, at 6:50AM PT, the moon is emptied in the sign of the courageous lion. Though we are in a dark moon phase, the new moon in Leo is illuminated by the brilliant sun. The seeds we plant now are nurtured by our inner passions and our divine free will.

We are fueled by our sense of purpose, our values and a striving towards authenticity.

When examining this lunation, I first noticed the dynamic relationship between the Sun and Saturn. The Sun is empowered and brilliant in the sign of Leo, and Saturn is equally strong in its austere Aquarian domain. Moving into this new cycle, we are confronted with our long term commitments and goals. What we value and desire must be worked for, and we are acutely aware of our responsibilities. With these efforts, we may feel a stronger sense of self reliance or a determination to 'go it alone'.

Uranus, the planet of liberation, is making a strong square to this new moon. We can expect this planet to serve up some surprises to keep us on our toes. Sudden endings and separations may create turbulence, but will allow us to fully step into whatever new chapter is beckoning our participation.

There is an opportunity here to welcome a fresh start and more freedom in a particular area of your life.

If you have been feeling bored, stagnate or unsatisfied in an aspect of your life, this lunation is a chance to take action. A message that feels especially strong now is that many of us are craving a life that feels more aligned with our current or evolving values. We desire to commit to something more meaningful, purposeful and authentic. For some, this may actually mean commiting to working less so they can spend more time enjoying their relationships and personal lives. What are some ways you can commit to living a life with more joy on your own terms?

Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius bring a combination of faith, positivity, structure and long term planning to this cycle. The courageous changes we make now can produce more stability for the future. On this lunation, consider what kind of life you'd like to be living a decade or two from now. And though it might be tempting, we are not to feel guilty for any happiness and blessings currently in our life. The Leo new moon is a reminder to radiate our warmth and brilliance to the world!

New Moon in Leo: A major solar reboot.

Suzy OlsenComment
leo new moon

The new lunar cycle is less about the Moon and more about the Sun. Why is that? The Sun is most powerful in the sign of fiery Leo and Mercury happens to be 'cazimi' just one day before the new moon (yesterday). Cazimi is an ancient astrological term for when a planet is briefly 'conjunct' to the same degree as the sun. Mercury is receiving special status at the seat of the solar throne today, and this allows us to find extreme clarity and a fresh start of some kind. I often think of 'cazimi' as a fire cleansing ritual, and this creates an extreme reboot for the affected planet. All the past residue and baggage is burned away so that we may move forward with clearer intentions. As we move into this next cycle, the sun grants us a renewed sense of purpose and a fresh start.

Today at 7:41PM PT, the new moon occurs in Leo. As the light of the moon grows dark, the sun remains powerful this time of year. A renewed Mercury leads the way for the moon and the mighty Leo sun. This planetary blend is invigorating and will beckon us to try something bold. If you have been feeling in a rut over these past few months, this new moon will likely trigger some inspiration and a stronger sense of purpose. Leo is the fixed fire sign and holds a particular steady nature. Like the hot coals at the bottom of a fire, Leo energy burns steadily through the night. What we begin now has the potential to 'warm us' for a long time to come. 

With a trine from Mars, the flames of Leo are further stoked. Despite any present challenges, we are likely to feel extra vigor and enthusiasm around what could be. In fact, the challenges or restrictions may be what finally inspire us to pursue a goal. It could be time to finally break through a barrier or two that has been holding you back. 

As with any dark new moon, however, we must pause to digest and ponder before taking any bold action.  In order to truly tap into this positive Leo energy, we should consider where our passion lies. What lights you up all day long and most allows you to feel at your 'core self'? This inner light provides strength to overcome difficulties and the ups and downs of life. To truly hold onto this light, we must also hold true humility. Leo rules the heart, and we are called to pursue honorable endeavors that are pure of heart (not our ego). If we pursue our ego, we will be missing an opportunity.

On Wednesday, Mercury comes home to task master Virgo. Mercury has a first class ride in Virgo until September 4th, where it is able to accomplish so many tasks. This will be a great period for editing or improving your work, schedule, health or any area that could use refinement. For a personal example, I will be using this time to update Chariot's retail hours and website. If you are a writer, this will be an especially good time for working on projects or making revisions. August 19th presents a good time to begin a 'Mercury' task or project, as the star Regulus will be amplifying the planet's power to its greatest heights. 

Just now I pulled a single card to give an extra message about this new moon. I was surprised at first to see The Hanged Man appear, as I don't associate him with an auspicious new beginning. But quickly I realized the Hanged Man is referencing the fire ritual nature of the Leo Mercury cazimi. In any fire ritual, a person is asked to make an offering or sacrifice to the fire in order to be reborn. The flames quickly eat up the offering, only leaving the ashes and smoke on the wind. As we initiate this Leo 'reboot' we are asked to release and let go of what is holding us back. We must first let go of the past before welcoming our future. This may be a difficult task for some folks, as letting go can be a painful process at first. If you are planning a new moon ritual tomorrow, you may want to literally burn an offering. This could simply be writing some words on a piece of paper of what you want to release or deeply renew. (Make sure to do this in a safe non-flammable environment! I've had my array of fire ritual mishaps in the past.) 

Happy new moon!
