
Scorpio New Moon Horoscopes

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

At 1:27AM PT tomorrow, the moon is emptied in the sign of the Scorpion. As with anything Scorpionic, we find intense feelings at the beginning of this new lunar cycle. The Scorpio moon dares to go all in. It obsesses and feels the full spectrum of emotions. It loves so hard it hurts. Here, we leave the realm of logical thinking and acknowledge our primal needs. As the saying goes ‘the heart wants what the heart wants’. Though it may feel challenging, we can access a deeper truth that is so often difficult to put into words.

This Scorpio new moon feels extra unique to me and could be a powerful new beginning for many. Conjunct Mars and opposing Uranus, we encounter themes around disruptions, emotional breakthroughs, confrontations, and liberation. We are facing our fears so that we may be freed from them.

Though this process may take time, an illusion is ready to be released to move toward truth and authenticity. Deep emotional attachments, even if they no longer serve us, are hard to release. On this lunar journey, the first step is to allow time or space to process our feelings. If you have been feeling intense pressure lately, this may be a good time to take a break or ask for help. You may decide that you’ve changed your mind about something, and you no longer wish to keep forcing it. It may be time to let go of shame and others’ expectations, as you tap into what you truly want.


I have written a short horoscope for each ‘rising’ sign, which is based on the astrological transits and a tarot card. Each tarot card represents a piece of wisdom and advice on how to work with this new lunar cycle. Read this horoscope as a suggestion for action or healing during the coming weeks. Of course, rely on your own inner wisdom and intuition when interpreting these messages for yourself.


Seek deeper healing by being of service to others. When you focus your care towards others, you will find that you care for yourself as well. If you have ‘karmic’ debts with others, seek ways to repay or relieve them. A growing sense of stability and purpose will result. (Page of Pentacles)


Find structure and support in your partnerships and closest alliances. Recognize with whom your values are aligned, and see opportunities for new growth and long-term stability. Assess the partnerships that are not in alignment with your values or have you feeling less secure. (4 of Pentacles)


Look for ways to improve your health or your daily ‘grind’. What can you cut out to improve your vitality or productivity? Recognize any negative habits that zap your mojo, and seek the tools to help you release them. You have the power to make positive changes to your well-being. (5 of Pentalces reversed)


It is time to let go of fear and anxiety and reclaim your divine creativity. You have the power to break free from restrictive thought patterns and to begin expressing yourself more freely. Trust your instincts and your desires. (The Moon reversed)


Have you been working hard or feeling the pressure to hold it together for your family and home life? Now may be the time to take a break or slow down so that you can focus on other areas of purpose in your life. Recognizing your limits is not failure; it is the path to real success. (9 of Wands, reversed)


This is a time to think before you act. Keep your cards close to your chest as you develop a strategy. Remain flexible and resourceful in your communication with others, but also be aware of others’ true intentions. Pay close attention to the subtler messages you receive, and trust your intuition if you get a bad vibe. (7 of Swords)


Changes to your finances and/or values may be top of mind. Get clear with yourself about what your priorities are, and what you truly value before making adjustments. It’s time to simplify and perhaps part ways with certain material things that are not in alignment. (Ace of Swords, reversed)


What kind of leader are you, and what example do you set for others? The new moon in your sign is a time to reflect on your role in the world, and consider making adjustments. You may be experiencing the pressure to perform a certain role, and you aren’t feeling like yourself. Take time to connect with your inner being and work to release the pressure of expectations. Others will appreciate you for being true to yourself. (King of Wands, reversed)


Recognize where you may be subconsciously holding onto the past and holding yourself back from your potential. See where you can make peace with the past so that you can live more fully in the present. Perhaps you can receive deep-felt closure and be liberated. (6 of Cups, reversed)


There are times to follow the rules and there are times to break them. Now may be the time to let go of conformity. If you have been pressured to fit into a certain group or network, you may be feeling ready to go against the grain. Access your inner authority and let it be your guide. (Emperor, reversed)


Consider what your aspirations and goals are at this time. Have your ambitions been shifting? It may be time to listen to your inner voice and allow yourself to get clear with your true desires. Don’t let others’ opinions sway you too much in the process. (Two of Wands, reversed)


Your belief systems may be under evaluation or adjustment during this lunar cycle. Consider what feels missing or where you feel disconnected from your faith. Take action to revive your love of learning and rekindle your inner spark with a new spiritual practice. (The World, reversed)

Happy new moon,


Scorpio New Moon 2021: Finding our truth.

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Tomorrow afternoon, at 2:14PM PT, the moon is reborn in the sign of the scorpion. Over the next lunar cycle, we are getting in touch with the untamed parts of ourselves and allowing the truth to set us free. If you have been feeling powerless and not in control of your life, the tides are shifting in November. The battle cry from Mars can be heard during this planet's time in Scorpio, and will embolden us to assert ourselves and take courageous action. Change is in the air, and we may be confronting an inner or outer demon (or two) as we evolve and grow into a new chapter.

There are times for patience and harmony, and there are times for initiative and confrontation. We are entering a period where a sudden call to action is necessary. The new moon in Scorpio is calling on us to speak from the heart and speak our truth. Results may be messy or a tad uncomfortable for a period, but we can only learn and grow by allowing ourselves to take a risk. By speaking our truth we are empowered.

The planets are telling us we've been playing it a little too safe for too long, and we are about to get a wake-up call.

Uranus, the planet of liberation, is directly opposite this new moon. The seeds we are planting now are of the revolutionary kind. This lunar cycle promises some surprises, so I would advise staying a bit flexible. You are now called to work outside of your comfort zone. You may have to react quickly to sudden shifts in circumstances outside of your control, but this is an opportunity for great personal growth. This new moon is a preview of what changes to expect in the next 1.5 years, as the eclipse cycles shift to the Taurus - Scorpio axis.

Saturn is squared by this lunation, highlighting that we have challenges and restrictions to overcome. Our evolution (or revolution!) will not happen overnight. When your efforts are thwarted, do you give up right away or do you pivot and come back stronger? In the Scorpio realm, it's all about strategy. If you experience any failures over the next few weeks, take those experiences and learn from them. Prioritize what is most vital for you and for your future success.

Mistakes are not failures if you learn from them.

For those curious about going more depth with their astrology this month, I have written some 'guidance' style horoscopes for each sign. You can think of this as wisdom from the stars for the month of November. Also, you will find the astrology is most intense and felt by those with ascendants in the signs of TAURUS, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS and LEO.

Reference your rising (ascendant) sign for most accuracy.

The house of karmic debts and joint resources comes into focus on this new moon. How are you dependant on others and how do you support others, and is this exchange fair and just? You are called to take action to bring balance to the debts you owe or that you are owed by others.

You have been on a winding journey of discovering a deeper authentic self since May of 2018. How do you continue this journey and more freely express yourself in your relationships? Stay true to who are and continue to communicate honestly with your partner about who you are becoming.

You may find this month throwing extra curve balls your way. Unexpected challenges can have you feeling more anxious than usual. Know that this turbulence is temporary, and you can weather the storm. If you find yourself catching a cold or feeling run down, allow yourself to take a break in order to care for yourself. Self-care is vital to avoid burnout.

Mars is supplying fervor to your joy in creating and using your talents. Are your gifts reflected and valued by the groups you align with? The new moon beckons you to find "your people" and network in order to evolve your unique gifts. Let go of alliances and groups that don't support the interests you wish to grow.

Since the spring of 2018, you have been on a journey of individuating in your career path. Sudden changes and opportunities are highlighted with your work and reputation, and this is having an effect on your home and family life. You may be juggling a lot between your work and personal life. Prioritize what is most important now to ensure future success.

Your mind is active this season, and you have lots you want to say. You may have a new teacher or authority figure presenting a perspective that is in opposition to your own. A healthy debate allows you to understand your own beliefs and to understand others better. Know there is always more to learn and be curious about from other points of view.

The new moon falls into your house of income and sets the stage for future growth. Currently, you may be dissatisfied with your finances and are now taking action to remedy this situation. Evaluate your money from a long-term perspective. What healthy money habits can you grow today to ensure success in the future? This could be a good time to ask for a raise and pay off debts.

Dear Scorpio, this new moon is bringing big feels. For several years, your relationship dynamics have been shifting and evolving and you are now in a major growth spurt. This may be a time where a relationship or partnership comes to an end or is allowed to evolve. How you respond to others is everything right now. Do you feel the need to assert yourself and your needs to a partner? Before saying your piece, try seeing the situation from their perspective and remember they are not your enemy. Be open and speak from the heart.

This lunar cycle may have you feeling frayed due to many unexpected demands or changes to your schedule. Though the pressure is on, you have what it takes to persevere. If you are feeling out of sorts, give yourself time to step back and collect yourself before carrying on. In times of crisis or instability, you learn how strong you really are.

You may be evaluating who you associate with and how much energy you put towards organizations and groups you belong to. For many years, you have been itching to focus on your own projects and to develop your own gifts. Now is the time to put your joy first and pursue developing your unique talents. As you step further out on your own, others may see you as competition. Don't waste time worrying about what others think, and stay focused on your goals.

Responsibilities at work may be weighing heavy on you this month, or perhaps a job is requiring you to relocate. Changes at home may cause further strain at work. Be honest about how much you can handle at this time. There is an opportunity to liberate yourself from a confining situation and attain more freedom. Make it known where you'd like to see yourself in your career in the next year, and what needs to happen to get there.

The Scorpio new moon is offering a revolution of the mind. You may be beginning a new area of study or traveling to a distant land. Passionate debates surround you, as you may be questioning a particular dogma or status quo. Don't get caught up in your ego at this time nor be tempted to give your power away to another. Questioning limiting beliefs from authority figures allows you to open your mind.

As always, I'm wishing you all the many blessings for this new moon.


Fallen Scorpio Moon + Bjork

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

Bjork is a stunning example of all things Scorpio. If you are unaware, she is a well-known musician in Iceland who is known for her 'out there' surreal performances. I became a huge fan back in the 90's, when I saw her first music video on MTV. Recently, I was studying her natal chart and admiring all the Scorpio magic she brings to the world. She has the Sun, Moon, ascendant, and Neptune in Scorpio and in the house of self. In other words, her identity, her emotions and effortless imagination are on full display to the world. She has a unique and otherworldly Scorpio style that is 100% her own making.

The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Mars traditionally, and this gives her a noticeable intensity. Her moon is rising above the ascendant, which means her deep and fraught emotions are fully exposed to the world. She wears her deeply tender heart on her sleeve, and it is thus inextricably part of her persona. So if we are looking for a good example of Scorpio moon energy in a human, Bjork is a great example!

In ancient astrology, the moon is considered 'fallen' in the sign of Scorpio. The term 'fallen' here means the moon often gets lost in its feelings and has trouble letting go of distraught emotions and attachments. A Scorpio moon burned does not easily forget, and it takes dedicated work to heal a broken heart. There is a capacity to feel the lowest lows and the highest highs with a Scorpio moon.

Bjork's deep sensitivities undoubtedly inspire her work, and she uses her creative expression to navigate and heal the domain of her heart. Instead of burying the feelings deep inside, she unveils them through her music. She confronts her shadows through her creative expression. One song that beautifully depicts this, is the song "Jóga" from the Homogenic album. You can listen on YouTube here. The lyrics from this song seem to capture the essence of the Scorpio moon so perfectly:

"I feel... Emotional landscapes
They puzzle me
Then the riddle gets solved
And you push me up to this
State of emergency
How beautiful to be
State of emergency
Is where I want to be
All that no-one sees
You see
What's inside of me
Every nerve that hurts
You heal
Deep inside of me
You don't have to speak
I feel"

Thus, on this Scorpio new moon, you can find a little inspiration from Bjork. She productively channels her intense emotions into her work, and we can do the same.

The New Moon in Scorpio + Mercury Retrograde Halloween

astrologySuzy OlsenComment

At 8:39PM PT this evening (Sunday), the moon joins the sun in stealthy Scorpio. Many of us have begun celebrating the season which is 'Samhain' (aka Halloween), when the veil is most thin between our world and that of the dead or spirit. The season traditionally calls us on us to honor our ancestors and to purge what is no longer needed in our lives. We welcome the darker half of the year with the aid of our ancestors, a re-connection to the spirit, and an acknowledgement of what burdens can and must be released at this time.

The new moon occurs a few days before Samhain, and the day Mercury stations retrograde. Mercury begins its tour of the underworld at 27 degrees of Scorpio, and will spend its entire retrograde cycle in Scorpio until November 20th. Because the retrograde cycle begins on the day that the veil is most thin, we can expect this experience to be an especially deep and soulful journey. For some this may even be a 'spooky' journey, where we are allowed to explore our shadow selves most intimately.

Before the retrograde begins, the new moon occurs with a nearly exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This new moon cycle starts with a bang.... or a sudden unexpected event. Uranus has been traveling retrograde for some time now and could be causing a surprise interruption or two at the beginning of this new lunar cycle. If you are feeling the tension with the changes and shifts around you at this time, know that there is likely a new path being presented to you for a fresh new beginning of some kind. Uranus challenges the status quo in order to liberate us. Often we need to be shaken up and made uncomfortable in order to inspire us to truly change.

During a recent tarot workshop, we were discussing the infamous Tower card. The Tower card often represents a sudden calamity that is outside of our control, and there is a shocking element to it. As we discussed the deeper layers of this card, we recognized the fact that sudden tragedies often bring people together. Deep bonds are created as we heal and necessarily transform our lives.

There is an element of the Tower in the current astrology. We may not be facing a natural disaster level of disruption in our lives, but we may be experiencing the Tower on a more internal level. A feeling of 'enough is enough!' Scorpio calls on us to probe deeper and to see how we may more truly connect with who and what we most care about.

All in all, the Scorpio season is here to inspire a transformation of some kind. We are called to assess our hidden motivations and desires. We may contemplate where we feel stagnate and out of touch. What fears are holding you back from taking steps towards your intimate goals? As we move through this underworld, may we all connect with a deeper core of our being and feel aligned with our true passions and desires.